Understand why the month of August is feared by many

You may have heard of the belief that August is a month that takes a long time to end and that it brings bad omens, so much so that it is known as the month of the โ€œmad dogโ€. All this has to do with the harvest.

August is the 8th month of our Gregorian calendar and is named after the first officially declared Emperor of Rome: Caesar Augustus. The vibrational energy of 8 speaks to us of harvest, power and achievement. Everything begins and is structured according to numerology. If everything starts at 1, until reaching 8, there are several paths to be taken, such as: uniting through 2, growing with energy at 3, stabilizing at 4 and so on until reaching 8, which is recognition for what was planted.

This is why the number 8 is known as the number of power, success and prosperity. Let's see how Cรฉsar Augusto built his trajectory.

  • He was emperor for 41 years, the longest reign in the entire Roman Empire.
  • He was a strong leader and expanded his territory encompassing Europe, part of Africa and Egypt.
  • He reformed the army and politics.
  • During his reign the establishment of the Pax Romana (end of civil wars) lived.
  • It developed a cultural and commercial legacy.
  • He designed great projects for the construction of roads, bridges and coliseums, among other feats.
Understand why the month of August is feared by many
Image of Sushuti by Pixabay

What about a legacy like this? It is in the 8th to receive the harvest of the sowing that is done.

Now let's get to the negative facts around the month of August.

  • Beginning of World War I (1 August 1).
  • Nuclear attack on Hiroshima and Nagasaki (August 6 and 9, 1964).
  • Construction of the Berlin Wall (August 13, 1961).
  • Conquest of power in Germany by Adolf Hitler (2 August 1934).
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See that the facts above were consequences of choices and attitudes planted previously and were not built on the basis of justice and love, but the desire for domination, selfishness and authoritarianism of the negative polarity of the number 8.

With these examples, the month of August will only be a bad omen if you have sown boulders of an egoic and empty life. So fear not! Take responsibility for your planting, walk a path of loyalty and bravery and receive the โ€œlaurel wreathโ€ of life โ€“ the symbol of victory of ancient Rome.

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