Uncover and give new meaning to the pages of your story

    Uncover and give new meaning to the pages of your story
    We all have an energy field where emotions, feelings, traumas we experience and also our potentials and talents are recorded. A true “book” that tells our story, showing our true identity.

    In some chapters of this book, the stories can be very clear, with a beginning, middle and end. In others, however, they can be truncated, making it difficult to identify the thread of the skein. A real mess, getting in the way of tracing the lines of the next chapter. Some pages are complete, others with only some written or unwritten parts, waiting to be completed or turned. A true mirror that shows us how we are outlining ourselves, writing these lines in the various sectors of our life.

    At times, we find ourselves entangled, lost and paralyzed in history itself. We feel completely stuck, uninspired to write it, modify it, rewrite it, and even close some of it. We stay on the same page, and can move on to the next, if only we could see the dark gaps that cause a huge vacuum in ourselves.

    to therapy of Sacred Fire - Energetic Alignment, gives us the possibility to put light in these spaces, where before there was only darkness. These spaces are nothing more than our difficulties, obstacles, barriers, patterns that we build over time. A true X-ray made in our field, showing us exactly which points need to be worked on and also identifying the resources, potentials and strengths of our soul, so that we can walk with more ease, move more firmly through life.

    A great opportunity to see ourselves as we are in our entirety and uniqueness.

    In order to get to know this technique better, it is important to talk a little about its history, which began to be developed by Mônica Oliveira from her personal and sensitive experience and in partnership with Shaman Dior Allen.

    Initially it was called Energetic Alignment and from a new structuring, which made it accessible to all types of public, the therapy gained the name of Sacred Fire - Energetic Alignment. Currently, it is already spread in some cities in Spain and in several European countries, with professional training courses and individual and group assistance.

    The level of performance of this work is quite deep, acting on the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels., usually performed by two therapists with defined roles (plumber and manager). At the end of the session, the client receives a Mantra followed by a message, which works as an access key to all the content worked during the consultation. The period between one session and another is three months.

    It is a therapy of great strength because it brings together ancestral indigenous wisdom and a deeply loving therapeutic gaze.

    It is an invitation to write our true story, the one that is engraved in our hearts. Writing new pages in this special book, the book of our life, with the best in us, aligning our intentions with new actions for life.

    To walk a flowery path, of light, in accordance with our divine plan, mirroring the richness of who we essentially are, this is the proposal of this beautiful therapy!

    Aho !!!

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