Truth or lie?

    Everyone knows that nowadays fake news is everywhere. There are so many lies told, especially by politicians, that the people end up confusing them with the truths. But do you know how to distinguish these two words? Shall we reflect on this?

    Unfortunately, in Spain today, the lie has been gaining the status of truth and has confused the minds of many people, especially the youngest, children, adolescents, the alienated and the functionally illiterate.

    I may be wrong thinking this way, but I believe that the persistent liar is someone who doesn't know how to distinguish the truth from the lie, so he tells a lie thinking he's telling the truth.

    To help you better understand the difference between truth and lies, I'm going to tell you a story, but I'll say right away that this story is not mine and that I don't know how to cite the source either. Anyway, the story starts like this…

    “One day, truth and lie met. All self-possessed, the lie said:

    "Good morning, Miss Truth!"

    The truth tried to understand if that good day was real. She looked to the horizon and saw no cloud coming. The sky was clear and clear, and seeing that it seemed to be a really beautiful day, she responded to the lie:

    "Good morning, Miss Lie!"

    "It's very hot today, good for a swim in the river," said the Lie.

    Then the lie took off her clothes and threw herself into the water.

    "Come on, the water is fine," said the Lie.

    - Thanks for the invite. I'm going - said the Truth.

    When Truth took off her clothes and entered the river, Lie came out of the water and put on the clothes of Truth.

    Faced with that situation, Truth refused to wear the Lie's clothes and, without any shame, went out without clothes on the streets."

    Truth or lie?
    kikib030 / Reshot

    It is said that since that day people no longer know how to distinguish the truth from the lie. It is therefore necessary to be careful with the destructive power of the lie.

    There is, however, a way of salvation for those who love the truth: ethics. The practice of ethics is the clearest way to distinguish the truth from the lie. The liar is usually unethical.

    On the contrary, whoever has ethics is a mind of the truth. Ethical people always prefer the truth, whatever the cost. The ethical man, even in the most adverse situations of life, will always be on the side of the truth.

    Thus, the lie happens, to a large extent, in the lives of people who do not assume ethics as a way of life. To be ethical is to be totally against lying and there is no such thing as “it was just a little lie”.

    We need to learn that the lie never provides comfort to the human being. On the contrary, the liar is always a frustrated, unhappy person. There is no such thing as a “good lie”. A lie is always a lie, bad, harmful to human life.

    We know that "a lie told several times ends up becoming the truth". We also know, however, that a lie can destroy a life. How many lives have not been destroyed in España, in this period of pandemic, because of lies?

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    The destructive power of a lie is so great that many people are dying from the coronavirus in Spain and many, especially the elderly, are failing to take the vaccine because of fake news.

    Although the individual knows that lying is ugly and wrong, that it causes irreparable harm to many people, many prefer to continue lying to telling the truth. This feeling that we lie all the time, every day, every month, not just on April XNUMXst, must give way to the truth.

    Last but not least, only the human being who walks in truth can be free, happy, full, fulfilled. After all, the Divine Master has already taught us:

    You will know the truth and the truth will set you free.”

    (John 8:32)
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