Toxic family members. Do you have them?

Toxic family members. An expression too strong for being someone in your family, right? But unfortunately it happens and when it comes to someone who is blood of your blood, most of the time, this problem is difficult to solve.

They are people with manipulative power, who play with the feelings of others and do not respect limits. Surely you must know someone like that. However, if that someone is a colleague, the solution is simple: you can walk away and move on with your life without major problems. 

It is a fact that these so-called “toxic” people, as the name implies, can contaminate the lives of those around them. And if you don't want to lose your emotional balance, you have to be firm, set limits and always be honest. And, to help you in this not easy mission, here are some tips:

Always set limits

The first step to making things work is setting boundaries. Always maintaining respect, make it clear who you are and what you like. If you don't want someone's help at a particular time, speak up. If you don't like people getting involved in your children's education, speak up. If you don't like people interfering with your relationship, speak up. Raise your voice, without punishing, just to defend yourself and set limits.

Be assertive and sincere

Nobody likes to hurt the feelings of loved ones and, therefore, often important things that would change the whole scenario of a situation are not said. For example: grandparents who complain that they were forgotten by their grandchildren; parents who question their children's lack of attention; family members who say they need your support, etc. Try to be close as often as possible, but be honest. Impose your opinion and always emphasize how far you can do something for someone. You have to remember that you too have your life, your problems and your needs.

Toxic family members. Do you have them?

Support your family, but take care of your integrity

The family relationship is extremely important for personal growth and development, but depending on how it is, this relationship can be extremely frustrating. Try to lighten up whenever possible, as family problems will constantly arise. But if something very serious happens and you can't get over it, the best solution is to walk away until you get over it or at least find a balance for the situation.

It is worth mentioning that family relationships are really difficult, but for your peace of mind and for the general good of the nation, always try to live in harmony.

  • Written by Natália Nocelli from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team.
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