The way we treat animals says a lot about us.

Human beings live directly with animals since the beginning of their existence. There are those who believe that man came from the ape, and there are those who hold religious beliefs and believe that we were created by God—man from clay and woman from man's ribs.

Over time, however, we have had animals as gods and we have also flogged them as if they were insignificant objects. We even have animals as the main source of food in the food chain. But what about our connection with animals? What can the way we treat them say about us? Dedicate a little time of your day to reflect with this article.

humans x animals

We humans need to eat and drink water to survive… so do animals. We feel pain, heat and cold… animals do too. We live in nature and enjoy what it can provide us… so do animals. We have our instincts, we relate to others, we breed… animals too. We feel fear… the animals too. We get attached to people… animals too… Well, of course there are countless differences between us and animals, but with all these similarities, what have we done with these little animals that live in the same land we live on?

There are those who feel superior and think they can do whatever they want with animals. There are those who think that he is “the lion of the earth” and that he is in charge of everything, but the truth is that we have a very strong connection with these beings. You must be used to affectionate domestic animals, which show joy and excitement when they are in the presence of the owner, such as dogs and cats, for example. But did you know that countries like China, Indonesia, Korea and many others have dog meat as a delicacy? And that in India the cow is considered a sacred animal?

Well, then, the Spanish are usually astonished to know that there are people who eat dog meat, but the Indians are also surprised to know that there are those who eat the meat of the most sacred animal for their culture. Who is right? Is there a right? Dear reader, this agenda is not about types of food; we are not here talking about the consumption of animal meat or not. What we are promoting to you is the awakening of a human conscience about the way we treat and view animals.

The way we treat animals says a lot about us.
stock snap / pixabay

Human cruelty, the need to impose yourself, to demonstrate that you are in control and even the objective of making money are factors that end up eliminating any spiritual issue that exists between people and animals. We live in a commercial world, where those who have more can do more; whoever profits most decides what will be and even what is right and acceptable.

Just as people have their rights, so do animals. Do you want to live or do you want to be mistreated by those who should take care of you?

The importance of fauna to human life

Speaking of biological issues, fauna is essential for ecosystems, as a whole, to remain in balance, as many animals are essential for many plants to exist. There are also species of animals that spread seeds that need to pass through your intestines — in addition to the fact that animals are great fertilizers. Among the many factors that make fauna extremely important for our physical life on the planet, there is the spiritual side, which is also essential and is daily put at risk for trivial matters.

The same land that shelters animals is the same land that shelters us humans. Man does not have the right to destroy or abuse fauna, but he still abuses it for material purposes or simply for pleasure, affecting the entire ecosystem and the land he inhabits. Doesn't it seem contradictory?

Human spirituality is based on many external factors, although it is fostered by internal factors. We live in constant contact with nature, even if indirectly. If you live in a city, for example, you must miss a place full of flowers or trees full of countless good sensations and energies. But if you live in a countryside, you understand the importance of proximity and connection with nature — and, automatically, with animals.

The way we treat animals says a lot about us.

The connection between humans and animals is much stronger than you can imagine. We are not strangers nor are we vying for territory. We don't need to get rid of them to create a new aesthetic product or to supply food — currently there are already options that replace animal protein. We have to preserve the fauna so that we are complete, because from the beginning we were accompanied by them, so harming the fauna causes harm both physically and spiritually. But now stop and think for a moment: how do you treat animals?

You may not believe it, but the way you treat animals says a lot about you! Philosopher Immanuel Kant said, "We can judge a man's heart by the way he treats animals," and that phrase is so true! The look you have on these living beings reveals what inhabits your chest: love or hate, in addition to evidencing personality traits referring to your humanity in the world.

Animals are essential to our life on earth, so disdaining these beings is the same as disdaining yourself. Of course, your intention to treat animals positively should not be simply because they are necessary for existence on the planet. His relationship with the world's fauna demonstrates what really lives in his heart. If you have eyes of love, if you can share and connect spiritually with someone without wanting anything in return, if your instincts take over your being or if you can control yourself by thinking about the next.

The way we treat animals says a lot about us.
Ulrike Leone / Pixabay

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Our cats lack respect and deserve to be treated in the best possible way. They are part of our world, our planet, life on Earth and they are here, under the same Sun and Moon as we are.

With human evolution and the ease of information, many people are becoming aware of animal abuse and are changing their limiting beliefs and unacceptable practices. The path to be followed to make the population understand the importance of animals for our life as a whole is long, but it is not impossible. Reflect and do your part!

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