The time when time calls for calm

    Maybe I can allow myself to accept situations that happened the way it was and for as long as it was. That doesn't make me a conformist.

    Acceptance allows us peace. It teaches us that we can trust what the Universe brings us and what it makes us leave behind. The fact of not accepting makes us more sufferers, victims. We don't have control of everything and we must accept it as part of our evolution and as a strength to change what is no longer working and doesn't make sense to us anymore, recognizing that certain things that I cannot change even after many times trying are not. in my hands. So I allow myself to open the way to see what I can change in myself. You've certainly tried to solve something in the scream or in fits of nervousness, but in the calm it's amazing how everything seems to settle down, once you direct your focus to resolution. And so it is with acceptance. Sometimes we can be a drifting boat and enjoy the view, other times we can take the helm in our hands and direct our life. There is a time to act and a time to stop. Trust the Higher power that rules everything, trust yourself when you decide to surrender to it. And so, when the time comes, the things we cannot resolve will resolve themselves.

    Detachment might be the solution. We learn through detachment to accept that we did our best with the resources we had at the time and started to deal better with ourselves and with people.

    Try to calm down so that those who tune in to you and make you want to be a better person, who inspire you, motivate you, walk or want to walk together, but don't tolerate abuse. Saying β€œno” is an act of self-love, and there are limits to everything. Also know how to choose and value quality companies in this era of quantity in which we live.

    The time when time calls for calm
    Hassan OUAJBIR / Pexels

    Allow yourself to think and live in the here and now, but have goals. Goals are responsible for sustaining our source of vital energy; they propel us, move us, make us rise. If we focus too much on the future or on the expectations we place on external facts or people, we end up limiting ourselves in life and failing to enjoy the present with the most of what it has to offer. Time passes too quickly to spend energy thinking about things that haven't happened and maybe won't happen. Be kind to your time and time what you can't control, hurry up. Invest energy and your best in taking advantage of your β€œtoday”, one step, one step at a time, and your future will depend on that. Don't want to embrace the world all the time; let him hug you once in a while.

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