The power of thought: I think, therefore I am!

Today I want to talk about the power that our mind has on ourselves and on others, how this force is able to change our lives and those around us.
I know a case of a boy who was despised by society since he was a child and he always accepted this contempt feeling fragile, he surrendered to addictions and today he is trapped in his world, not wanting to change his situation. But why did he never do anything to change that? Some would say it's about karma, but karma or mission is that test we didn't choose, and we have to face it. Indulging in addictions is a choice and he chose it at that moment, why? Because the environment in which he always lived was the programmer of this event, and his mind did not exert any contrary and positive action against these actions.

The power of thought: I think, therefore I am!
Pexels / Andrea Piacquadio
So can we control our mind for our healing? Yes, we can control our thoughts and this is where I'm coming from.

If this friend had chosen other thoughts, he would certainly not be in this current situation. He accepted the action that the environment had on him and kept his mind contaminated with negative thoughts about himself. There was no resistance. Result: addictions and installed diseases.

The choice is always ours. No matter the environment we are living in or the difficult time we are going through or the loss of a loved one or serious illness, our thoughts must always govern our mental, emotional and physical bodies with love, harmony and balance.

There are no limits to thinking. There are many reports from quantum healing therapists of spontaneous healings. This is because the patient's thinking was totally focused on healing, on balance. In simple words, faith, which is the power to believe in something, was decisive and true. It's not about religion or belief, it's about physics, pure science that explains the energetic force, magnetic fluids generated by small particles that make up our organism and can interfere in the whole body.

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This text aims to alert you to how much we can do for ourselves and for those we love, through the power of our thinking. I propose a simple mental exercise to start this practice:

When you wake up, over the course of 30 days, after your morning hygiene, look for a window, even if the day is cloudy, look at the sky and think aloud:

I wake up to another day with happiness, love, health and joy.โ€

Practice this, either using a landscape or the mirror itself, feeling the emotions within you.

  • realize the changes throughout the days, your mood, your patience and especially your happiness and inner peace.
  • To meditate every morning is an excellent exercise for thought control. Practice it.
  • Remember: the balance starts in our thoughts! Start thinking good to the next.

Success and light to all!

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