The power of the herbal bath

Some people ignore how powerful a good herbal bath can be. If we knew the benefits of this resource for our well-being and for maintaining high energy, we would bring this practice into our daily lives as a new and valuable habit.

As a clairvoyant, during the cleansing and healing treatments of the soul that I perform, I can focus on the aura of the person I am treating and notice if there are holes, fissures, fragility, vulnerability, or even – as has already happened – identify a torn aura.

The reasons for our aura to be damaged, fragile or still impregnated with dense astral energy are numerous. Just interacting with situations or people on a daily basis, whether at home, at work, even on the street, to put in motion a large amount of energy invisible to our physical eyes, but possible to be recognized through astral vision and perception. mental. Mental and astral emanations of the most diverse orders can both elevate our state of mind and cause terrible damage to our vibrational field.

We are big producers of energy, both good, or qualified, and bad, unqualified. Everything will depend on the good or bad day we are having in the psycho-emotional aspect. We ourselves can even impregnate ourselves with bad, dense energy, due to a state of negative thoughts and unpleasant emotions, and still end up throwing this energetic waste on someone else, unconsciously.

The effects of disqualified energies on us, whether in the aura or even in the chakras, can be the most diverse, such as:

The power of the herbal bath
Valeria Ushakova / Pexels

– Intensification of bad mood, irritability and impatience;

– Anxiety, sadness, anguish, discouragement, apathy…

– Feeling of constant grief;

– Difficulty in breathing, due to these energies impregnating our heart chakra and the region of the lungs – symptoms attributed in part to the panic syndrome;

Among others.

The fact is that, when we understand that part of the unpleasant emotional sensations we feel and their intensity can be related to dense, disqualified energies. And there are simple resources, such as herbal baths, that we can use to cleanse ourselves energetically.

After all, it is not just a hygienic bath with soap and water that we need, but there is also a whole universe of energy that governs us. If we ignore this influence on us, we may miss out on this great opportunity for purification and spend too much time energetically dense, when we could have easily resolved this issue through practical solutions in the comfort of our home.

The results of an herbal bath can be numerous. Here are some of them:

The power of the herbal bath
Jozef Polc/ 123RF

– Energetic cleansing of the aura, releasing it from unqualified energies;

– Dissolution of miasmas (remains of disqualified energy, putrefied energetic matter);

– Protection and sealing of the aura;

– Revitalization (especially when using fresh herbs);

The herbs most easily found and used for cleansing baths, having their effects proven in the astral vision, bringing surprising results to the physical body are: basil, rue, rosemary, sage, guinea.

Below are the potentials of the mentioned plants. You can still meet others. And if you know, share it with us in the comments. The ones I describe below are the potentials and benefits that I have been able to verify from my own experience in getting in touch with the energy of each plant.

Basil: energetically cleanses the aura of unqualified energies and creates around it a subtle protective field that assists in your healing/restoration process.

Rue: powerful energetic astringent for the aura, reaching denser energies and resistant to the most subtle cleansing baths.

Rosemary: purifies the aura, the chakras and brings freshness, contributing to the relaxation of the body, helping us to have a good night's sleep.

Sage: Sage's purifying potential is similar to that of basil, as well as bringing a similar freshness and relaxation to rosemary.

The power of the herbal bath

Guinea: like rue, guinea works with denser energies and resistant to the most subtle cleansing baths, reaching miasmas, negative thought forms and even energy of black magic and jinx. It is not for nothing that it is highly recommended to have a guinea vase in your home to ward off the evil eye, or to make blessings, as well as its leaves soaked in alcoholic solution, or in oils, can act as a powerful remedy for anointing, healing and healing. protection. Guinea is a “holy medicine” to have at home and, when used wisely, can be a powerful antidote or reverser of black magic cast against someone.

Without a shadow of a doubt, guinea is in the eyes of clairvoyants and connoisseurs of herbal magic when it comes to spiritual protection and prevention against any type of negative magic.

Preparing an energy cleansing bath is very simple and you will need only two ingredients: water and the plant of your choice, depending on the effect you want to give your body.


The power of the herbal bath
Ekaterina Bolovtsova/Pexels

– In a bowl, boil 1 (one) liter of water. After boiling, turn off and add the fresh herb of your choice. Let it simmer for at least 20 minutes.

– Take your hygienic bath and, at the end, gently pour the previously prepared tea over your body, taking care to pour it from the neck down, so as not to mess with the energy of the upper chakras (coronary and frontal).

– Let the solution act on your body for 1 to 3 minutes. Then dry yourself normally with a towel. You do not need to rinse your body after this in order to keep the subtle vibration and benefits of the tea working in your being.

There are plants that can be easily used for the so-called “head baths”, to cleanse and purify the head, also benefiting the crown and frontal chakras. Some suggestions would be boldo, white rose, leaf da costa and, in some cases, even basil.

In everyday life, it is possible to make combinations of herbs, putting more than one in your bath tea, in addition to adding others not mentioned to your list, such as chamomile, lavender and mint, to bring more tranquility. , relaxation and freshness for your body.

You may be wondering at this point: what about the thick salt bath? When is it recommended?

Well, in my experience as a clairvoyant, I observed coarse salt being very beneficial to "zero" our energies, both disqualified and qualified. It's as if the rock salt flushes out all the bad things we have, but also cleanses the good protections, including the good thought-forms that we create for our benefit and protection. The ideal, therefore, is, if you decide to take a bath with thick salt, immediately afterwards take an herbal bath to restore your natural protection and reenergize yourself.

Coarse salt is a powerful purifier and can even be too “aggressive”, depending on how and how often it is used. So, pay close attention to what I say next:

The less aggressive ways to use rock salt are, for example:

The power of the herbal bath
Julia Sudnitskaya/123RF

a) Spread it on the floor of your bathroom shower, step on it and imagine that salt crystals attract and cleanse you of all unqualified energy.

b) Opt for a foot bath. Dip your feet in a bowl of water, from lukewarm to warm, with coarse salt at the bottom, and mentalize the removal of all dense energies for him. You can add a few leaves of rosemary, sage, basil or rue to the solution if you prefer. Then dispose of the water in an appropriate place.

Now, if you want to perform a very intense cleaning on your body, use the coarse salt after your hygiene bath, passing it gently through your body, from the neck down, letting it act for approximately 1 minute. Rinse afterwards and preferably top up with an herbal bath of your choice to energize yourself. My suggestions are basil, rue, rosemary or sage. But you can use others if you prefer.

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  • Discover 12 aromatic herbs to have at home
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Warnings: under no circumstances use rock salt on your head, because, at some level, it can damage the energy and even structure of your upper chakras. Also avoid taking a bath of coarse salt more than once a week, at the risk of having your auric field weakened and transformed into a real sieve, with micro holes, leaving it permeable to the action of disqualified external energies.

Too frequent salt baths, so instead of helping, they can weaken the aura and leave it vulnerable.

These are just a few tips and you can find more information in specific books about the power and magic of herbs.

I wish you a great energy purification and a great journey!


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