The Power of Enthusiasm

    In such uncertain times, with so many world-wide problems, we need to have a strong willpower to believe that we are capable of turning around and winning.

    Winning implies being enthusiastic about what you want. Do you know the power of enthusiasm?

    The word enthusiasm, among several definitions we find, is described in the dictionary: โ€œfervent dedication, passion for what you do, state of exaltation, intense joyโ€. Of Greek origin, it was brought to our society by French philosophers around the XNUMXth century.

    The Power of Enthusiasm
    Godisable Jacob / Pexels

    The power of enthusiasm exists and you can and should develop it in yourself. Enthusiasm is the power of transformation, you strongly believe in what you do and what will work.

    Positivity attracts good things, this has nothing to do with luck, but with dedication, positive thinking and love for what you do, believe in your potential. You can't imagine what you're capable of!

    Being enthusiastic is showing confidence and optimism in what you do, infecting everyone around you. An enthusiastic person attracts success to you, creates opportunities for development of what you do.

    Once, in the city of Rio de Janeiro, I met an insurance salesman who had an absurd enthusiasm for selling life insurance and, normally, this type of product is not something that is bought with such enthusiasm. However, he spoke with such great animation about that life insurance, showing that love for the family was something so simple and so special that having life insurance represented a proof of love.

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    This insurance salesman, therefore, had enthusiasm for what he did, he was willing and happy to talk about his product and, therefore, convinced people.

    Develop short, medium and long term goals; clear goals that can be achieved. This will be your fuel for your motivation, which is nothing more than a form of enthusiasm. Do it now, don't wait for a better time to get excited about what you do. There is no propitious moment, you make the ideal moment happen.

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