The Plastic War

We live in a plastic society where everything is wrapped in plastic. It's disposable. They say. But where does that plastic go anyway? Have you ever thought about the amount of garbage that only one house makes? Have you looked around you? How many houses are there? How many cities? How many countries?

It is now known only that a small part of this plastic is recycled – and this can only be done once (unlike glass, which can be recycled indefinitely). Where does all this garbage go? Unfortunately much of it ends up in the sea. And even if we are aware, even those who separate the garbage and do not put it on the street, we are all responsible for this waste, which ends up in the sea. Because we used it in the first place.

The Plastic War

Let's look to reuse rather than β€œrecycle”, because, let's be honest, there are huge sized plastics that cannot be recycled and end up in landfills and the oceans.

Plastic is nearly impossible to degrade naturally, and yet it is mostly disposable.

Is it really necessary for all the food we buy to be wrapped in plastic? Do we really need to put all the fruits and vegetables we buy at the market in different plastic bags? What are we buying anyway? And what industries are we supporting when we do that?

Plastic ends up being discarded in rivers and lakes, heading towards the sea. And this is happening out of control.

The Plastic War

It is an overwhelming and extremely worrying situation. All marine organisms suffer from this situation. More and more animals (fish, whales, dolphins, seabirds, turtles, seals) are found trapped in plastic or killed by the ingestion of plastic, mistaken for food.

We do not live apart from nature. On this planet, we are all connected, and we all need each other. If we are polluting the air, the sea, the land, if it's not us, our children will suffer from it.

It's time to wake up and stop blaming others, blaming governments, etc. The responsibility lies with each of us. And together we can make a difference.

It's not easy to stop consuming plastic overnight.

The Plastic War

And that is not what I am proposing. What I propose is a progressive evolution. Be careful each time you consume, and that each day you consume less until you reach a good balance.

The truth is, most of us are not awake. We are not properly informed. And maybe it's because there's no interest in us being.

We are many, and together we can make a difference. If we refuse unnecessary plastic packaging, if we gradually find more ecological solutions for our daily lives.

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