The famous mongrel dogs

There is a living being that can melt even the most frozen hearts: the dog. Considered man's best friend, the four-legged animal that descends from wolves is a companion for all hours, even when causing that mess in the house. The wagging tails, the jumps of joy and the kisses are the hallmarks of this very friendly animal.

Some dogs are furry, others are messier and there are those that are really small. An animal's appearance is defined by its breed. Race is a group of animals of the same species that have the same hereditary characteristics. You may have already noticed that some dogs are more similar to each other, whether in hair type, size or behavior. That is, they belong to the same race.

In the most common cases, the puppies are not purebred. The crossing between animals of different species generates new characteristics, which unite the two heredities. There are some dogs that have so many different aspects that it is difficult to say which breeds gave rise to them. This is the case of the mongrel dogs (SRD), or as they are popularly known, mutts.

Anyone who thinks that only purebred dogs are successful and win hearts is very wrong. The truth is that mixed breed dogs are also famous and loved, especially on the internet. Next, you will see which are the five biggest names of mixed-breed dogs that are even digital influencers!

The famous mongrel dogs
Image of S. Hermann & F. Richter by Pixabay

1) The Burst transformation

Many people who prefer purebred dogs use the excuse that they are easier to train, unlike mutts. Is it true? The trainer Alexandre Rossi wanted to prove that this is not the case, and that there are no excuses for not adopting. The accomplice of the well-known Dr. Pet was the bitch Estopinha.

Alexandre chose Estopinha among the other dogs because she was very agitated and messy. After all, it would be very easy to train a stray dog ​​that already behaved well, wouldn't it? With Estopinha, which has been part of the trainer's life for seven years, he proved that it is possible to transform a hyperactive mutt into an obedient mutt.

Estopinha's story was so successful that she gained social media. Evidently, whoever is behind them is the trainer, but he writes as if Burlap herself is telling her everything she has done throughout the day. On Facebook (as “Estopinha”), she has almost 3 million fans. On Instagram (@estopinharossi), the dog has 650 thousand followers.

The famous mongrel dogs
Image of Dgdom by Pixabay

2) The permanence of Bartho

The trainer Alexandre Rossi, already mentioned above, believed that it would be important to show another example of a mixed breed dog being trained. The plan was to choose a hyperactive, attention-deficit dog with an extra degree of training difficulty. This time, he would train the dog and then allow him back for adoption.

BarthĂ´ won Alexandre's attention. Fulfilling the requirements that the trainer was looking for, the dog would be a great example that training always works. It turns out that, in this case, the process took longer than Alexandre imagined. And with the closeness that BarthĂ´ developed with humans and with Estopinha, it was decided that he would definitely be part of the family.

If you were enchanted by Barthô's story and want to get to know him up close, you can look for him and follow him on the social networks he won, as well as Estopinha. On Facebook, search for Barthô Temporário Rossi. The page already has almost 300 thousand followers! On Instagram, @barthooficial, the success continues!

The famous mongrel dogs
Image of 85Miranda by Pixabay

3) Café and Django's adventures in the apartment

Is it possible to raise two dogs in an apartment? Coffee and Django show that they do. The two are mixed breed dogs and look like brothers, due to their physical characteristics, although they were adopted at different times and in different places.

Coffee arrived first, still a puppy. Two years later, Café owner Ana saw a post with a photo of Django, whose owners were offering up for adoption. The couple were moving to a smaller apartment and could not bring the dog, according to reports.

Ana didn't think twice: she adopted Django, who was the same age as Café, and made their lives even happier. The two can be found on Facebook, as “Café Prejuízo” and on Instagram, using the user @cafeprejuizo. In the profiles, it is possible to check the website of the store that Ana shares with the dogs, in which products for humans and animals are sold!

The famous mongrel dogs
Image of D Bray by Pixabay

4) Darci's heroic trajectory

An incredible advantage of adopting dogs instead of buying them is that you can provide a much better life for animals who suffer from a physical or health problem. Darci, for example, is a mixed breed dog that was found on the street, lame. Mariana rescued him and looked for someone to adopt him, but soon realized that he was in her destiny.

If Darci could talk, he would say how grateful he is to Mariana for giving him a safe and loving home. As he doesn't know our language, Darci shows gratitude through poses for photos and activities that encourage the adoption of animals, led by Mariana.

On social networks, it is possible to check out the routine of the friendly Darci, in addition to engaging in the cause that he and Mariana defend. On Facebook, the dog can be found by the name “Página do Darci”. On Instagram, the user @pagindodarci is the account of the funniest mutt in the world. There are even memes with him on social media!

The famous mongrel dogs
image of vargazs by Pixabay

5) The legacy of NinĂŁo

A dog that made history on the internet was NinĂŁo. In videos, he frantically wagged his tail, wore unusual costumes and caused very funny and unusual situations. No comedian could reproduce the jokes he made with his body! This mixed breed dog was a real clown.

Sadly, NinĂŁo passed away in 2016. But his story didn't end there. NinĂŁo left an equally fun and humorous family: Dona Nina and the puppies LĂ­vio Bracho, Mini-Nino and Felipa. The family also gained new members: FetĂşcia, a very grumpy Pinscher, and Soulwinna, a super friendly little pig.

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Unlike other dogs, the page is not written in first person. Who takes care of everything is the tutor of the animals, known as “Pai do Ninão” (name of the Facebook page). On Instagram, you can laugh a lot with @paidoninao and all the cute things this canine (and swine) family makes!

Did you feel like having a dog to keep you company in difficult times and in the best experiences? Look for an adoption center near your home and make your days even more beautiful with the presence of a mixed breed dog!

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