The differences and benefits of meditation and relaxation

The increasingly fast pace of society causes many to develop stress, anxiety and even depression. But what if they knew that small changes to their routines could provide them with great benefits? This is the case of meditation and relaxation. Both are different, but their benefits go far beyond what you might think.

A meditation it's a very old technique and it's dissolving more and more in España. Due to its benefits, this technique is also being implemented in schools to help children concentrate better. It is worth mentioning that meditation works the physical, mental and emotional aspect.

Already relaxation in turn, as the name states, it has the function of promoting relaxation for the person, a moment of disconnection from problems and worries. To do this, just lie down, or sit, and do some breathing exercises. It is possible to put on a song and “unplug it”.

Relaxation: how it works in our body

The differences and benefits of meditation and relaxation
Photo by Artem Beliaikin in Pexels

Due to so many commitments, human beings end up not paying enough attention to their health and mind as they really deserve. Sometimes with 10 minutes of relaxation it is possible to avoid stress. Sitting or lying down and listening to your favorite music promotes a sense of well-being and deep relaxation.

The moment we stop thinking about our problems for a few minutes, we are able to improve the health of our body and mind. It works as a kind of “endorphin needle” that promotes energy that renews us. Learn about some techniques for you to learn to relax. There are several techniques to relax, from running to listening to music:

  • Control your breath for a minute;
  • Write down your concerns on paper;
  • Lie on the floor and just breathe;
  • Put on some calming music and don't think about anything.
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Meditation as self-knowledge

The differences and benefits of meditation and relaxation
Photo by Oluremi Adebayo on Pexels

Meditation helps in many ways, provides a sense of well-being, reduces tensions and even helps to focus on goals. Like relaxation, it has benefits, but it differs from relaxation in that when meditating we focus on the mind as it processes feelings.

To meditate, you need space and tranquility. For those who have never meditated for the first time, it seems impossible because quieting the mind seems to be a difficult process to solve. Breathing techniques can help you meditate, as can these other techniques:

  • Mantras are great for starting meditation;
  • Guided meditation is suitable for people who are just starting to meditate;
  • Practice Transcendental Meditation, which is to sit in a comfortable position for about 20 minutes and immerse yourself in your thoughts.

Although different, one connects with the other and when put into practice their benefits are visible. It is not necessary to give up a lot of time, minutes already make a difference.

Both manage to make our consciousness pure and lucid to face all problems consciously without pre-judging, because this is precisely what meditation provides an inner self-knowledge that no one is able to do for you.

Allow yourself to indulge in these two techniques. Look for spaces in your city and trained professionals to teach you. But if you can't, don't worry, because if done with love, everything works out.

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