Pain in the uterus - Understand what it can be!

The uterus is an organ of the female body that is part of the reproductive system. As a hollow muscle, it has the ability to expand and contract, especially when housing a fetus, performing its main function.

Even if a woman does not want to have children, the uterus will preserve the function of harboring a developing child. Monthly, the organ prepares to receive the fetus and, when this does not happen, menstruation occurs.

Many women are aware of the pain that premenstrual tension causes, such as cramping and breast pain, but have you ever felt pain that felt unusual? There are situations in which pain in the uterus could indicate a health problem that is not related to menstruation.

Next, learn more about what uterine pain can mean for your body. Remember that to get specific answers about your body, you need to seek medical advice. Only with exams it is possible to verify what is happening with your organism, since each woman has a different body.

How to identify pain in the uterus?

During menstruation, when your uterus is shedding, it is normal for you to feel pain in the abdominal area. Notice if you're experiencing twinges or a pain that feels like muscle pain under your belly button, near your intimate area. If this is the case, you are experiencing uterine pain! If you experience similar or more acute discomfort outside of your menstrual period and/or that takes longer than three days to improve, it is best to seek medical help. But why?

There are infections, inflammations, and other illnesses that may have uterine pain as one of the symptoms. If the pain is in the cervix, which is located right in the middle of the organ, you need to pay even more attention. See what diseases can reach the uterus!

What can cause uterine pain?

Pain in the uterus - Understand what it can be!
Shao-Chun Wang / 12RF

Next, you will understand what are the main diseases associated with pain in the uterus. The fact that they have this symptom does not mean that you suffer from all or any of them. The only way to get a diagnosis of your condition is to see a healthcare professional and have tests done.

1) Adenomiose

Adenomyosis is a disease whose symptom is pain in the uterus. It manifests when certain glands and endometrial tissue build up, increasing the size of the uterus. So, in addition to feeling this swollen region, you may feel a painful discomfort even outside the menstrual period.

2) Cervicitis

Cervicitis is an inflammation that can affect the uterus, when it is contaminated by microorganisms that do not belong to the female body, such as those transmitted by STIs (gonorrhea and chlamydia, for example). Other symptoms of this disease are blood loss after sexual intercourse (outside the menstrual period) and discharge with the presence of pus.

3) Endometriosis

Endometriosis is a disease that may have no symptoms, but on the other hand, it can manifest with pain in the uterus, intestinal and urinary bleeding during menstruation, severe menstrual cramps and infertility. With gynecological exams it is possible to identify the presence of the disease in your body.

4) Myoma

A uterine fibroid is a benign tumor that can grow over time. In many cases, this disease has no symptoms, but in others it can cause pain in the uterus. The best way to identify it is through gynecological exams, which can only be performed by a health professional.

These are the most common diseases that can affect a woman's uterus. If any of the symptoms presented are part of your life, look for a health professional to take exams and receive guidance.

Pain in uterus after sexual intercourse

In addition to the pain that affects the uterus outside the menstrual period, pain in the uterus after sexual intercourse is also a problem. It doesn't feel right to feel pain after a pleasurable activity, does it? If this is happening to you, you need to investigate.

Dyspareunia is the name for the pain in the uterus that a woman may experience during and after sex. It is one of the main symptoms of endometriosis, explained earlier. Unlike pain caused by other diseases, dyspareunia is intense, disabling pain that can cause burning.

It is not normal to feel pain during sex, especially in the intensity of dyspareunia. Even a subtle discomfort can develop into intense uterine pain, so at the slightest sign of discomfort, you need to seek medical help.

Could uterine pain be pregnancy?

Pain in the uterus - Understand what it can be!
sitthiphong / 123RF

Pain in the uterus is not always pregnancy related, but it can be one of its symptoms. In early pregnancy, when the body is still changing to house the fetus, pain in the uterus can strike women.

It is evident that a person who is only experiencing pain in the uterus and has no other signs that they could be pregnant is unlikely to become pregnant. Still, it is important to consult a gynecologist to analyze the cause of this pain.

If this discomfort is present in more advanced stages of pregnancy, it is necessary to carry out a medical consultation to understand if there is any risk of miscarriage due to movements of contraction of the uterus.

Pain in the uterus can be symptoms of cancer?

Cervical cancer is the way the disease affects a woman's uterus. Because it is a serious disease that cannot always be treated in time, many women are concerned about their occurrence. First of all, know that you should routinely perform the Pap smear to identify the presence of any irregularity in your body.

In addition, you should pay attention to the following symptoms, which can be an indication of the development of cervical cancer: vaginal bleeding outside of menstruation, vaginal discharge with different odors and colors, pain in the abdomen, pain in the uterus, pain in the body (hips and legs), urinary problems, lack of appetite and the appearance of warts, which are symptoms of HPV, a disease that can lead to cancer of the cervix.

That is, pain in the uterus can be a symptom of cancer in this region, but it is not the only one. If you're just feeling this discomfort and nothing was identified in your routine exams, there's nothing to worry about. However, it is important that you maintain medical follow-up.

What does uterine pain mean?

Pain in the uterus - Understand what it can be!
Ivan Shidlovski / 123RF

In addition to the physiological causes of pain in the uterus, there are emotional factors that can lead to the development of this discomfort, according to Roberta Struzani, a gynecological physiotherapist.

According to this interpretation, a woman can suffer endometriosis, for example, if she is experiencing moments of low self-esteem or loss of self-confidence. So it is important to reflect on these issues, in addition to performing medical treatment, so that the disease does not harm the essence of the woman.

Another disease in the uterus that can be caused by emotional factors is candidiasis. In periods of stress, nervousness and a lot of tension, a woman's body can suffer from a reduction in immunity rates, creating a fertile ground for the development of the disease-causing fungus.

Be aware that while the cause of uterine pain is partly emotional, the consequences are physical, so it's important to seek medical treatment for your body and mind β€” both so you can be at peace with yourself and so that your body follows your inner balance.

Thus, to avoid pain in the uterus, the ideal is to perform gynecological exams annually, keep mental health up to date and pay attention to the signs that your body points out about possible problems. Nothing replaces medical care when it comes to health, so if you have identified any of the symptoms presented above, look for a gynecologist.

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What is good for relieving uterine pain?

If you know that your pain in the uterus is temporary or due to menstruation and ovulation, there is no problem in relieving it with home treatments, which do not need a medical indication. Check out the ways to relieve pain in the uterus and take care of yourself!

1) Compress with hot water

One of the best recipes against colic and, consequently, against pain in the uterus is a hot water compress. With it, it is possible to relax the muscles in this region, softening the contraction movements that can cause pain.

2) Bicarbonate sitz bath

A bicarbonate sitz bath is a great option to treat mild inflammation in the uterus, caused by a change in the pH of the area. Mix a tablespoon of baking soda in a liter of boiled water. Put everything in a basin and sit on it, without touching the water, which should be warm. Don't go overboard with this method!

3) plantain tea

Plantain tea is an option to combat uterine pain, but any other hot tea can prove to be very effective in this process. Even a hot chocolate can help you alleviate this annoyance. Choose the herb you like the most, sweeten it with little sugar and drink it little by little.

4) Massage the belly

It may seem like a bad idea to massage the area that is painful, but moving back and forth in your belly area will effectively relieve uterine pain. Ideally, you should lie down and do the massage using only your fingertips, in a gentle way.

5) rest

When pain in the uterus is caused by menstruation, especially on the first day of menstruation, you should rest a little. Accept that your body needs time to recover and that you can do non-urgent activities afterwards. If you do, you will feel better in the next few days.

Pain in the uterus is a nuisance that can affect anyone, for different reasons. Menstruation, ovulation, inflammation, diseases and, in some cases, cancer are on the list of possible causes of this evil. However, to be sure what your case is, seek medical help. Knowing your body, you will even know which methods to use to relieve pain in the uterus!

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