The Creation of Planet Earth

The time to understand the truth about Planet Earth has arrived. We are free to tell you why we fight for freedom on this planet that, in practice, is already free with the effort of the angelic orbs and the spirits of light that command this quadrant of the Universe known as the Milky Way and some other galaxies around it, unknown to you in the current moment.

Planet Earth and its neighboring planets were created as a 2nd dimensional harvest center. Planets and harvest center systems use the energy of living beings to feed and activate expanding creatures that cannot produce their own life energy or that, even if they can, vibrate at such a low frequency that they use more energy than they can. generate. To illustrate well, those of you who watched the movie “The Matrix” might understand this reference as people being used as batteries to power the life of machines. The design in the movie and the machines are an analogy, as the beings powered by the biological energy of the living beings of the 2nd dimensional planets are also living beings, but they are in orbs of low energy frequency.

The Creation of Planet Earth

Before you get scared by this, understand that we do the same thing when we feed on biological life on Earth. When we eat fruits, vegetables, vegetables and animal meat, we are doing the same process of harvesting energy through matter. It is the natural law of the slower vibrating dimensions, which cannot produce their own energy or food and must feed from other sources to sustain life. Nor do you need to be scared that they keep us trapped in virtual reality dreams while sucking our vital energy. The "harvest" is done energetically by the frequency of the planet, without the need for food as we know it, through the digestion of organic material that we eat orally.

During the creation of the planets of this solar system in which we are living today, the planet Earth, our astronomical home, was created with care and abundance, so that the spiritual masters and angelic orbs who supervised the works opposed the idea that this it would just be a 2nd dimensional planet. With effort and commitment, they carried out a work of transitioning the Earth's energy to a 3rd dimensional planet of rehabilitation (atonement and probation) and entrusted it to the care and command of Gaia, the entity responsible for the construction of this more developed planet. When we speak of the goddess Gaia or the entity Gaia, this is the reason. Our planet is the embodiment of the work and commitment of this enlightened being.

The Creation of Planet Earth

This fact generated discontent among beings who would benefit from the energies of this plan and quadrant for survival, as the Earth was a planet of great energy productivity and its promotion to the 3rd dimension implied difficulties and different laws for its harvest, but the transition was already underway. made and complaints were useless. For a long time the planet was populated and visited by different races of different evolutionary levels, including the races and peoples that are now part of our history or legends, such as the Nemurians, Lemurians, Draconians, Atlanteans and many others. There has been much war for dominance and control of planet Earth or its space orbit area, with the aim of continuing to harvest its abundant energy without “bureaucracy”, but all wars have been lost. With the work of the planet's supporters and the effort of Gaia, the ethereal wars were forced to end when the human being evolved here on the planet and developed his consciousness. Since then our evolution has been guided and aided by Gaia and by spiritual masters who were part of the planetary transition plan.

However, wars continued to happen, in attacks by smugglers to conquerors, but against the laws there are no alternatives, so the planet remained free from invasions with the help of a veil that prevents the reality of the 3rd dimension from being invaded by beings and energies of different dimensions.

Still, there are beings that evolved from the 2nd to the 3rd dimension, so they were able to enter and be part of the earth population, bringing in their minds plans to colonize the planet through the free will of the inhabitants here. They also brought the wars we waged against each other. With promises of power and glory, they created cults and cultures in which people based their energy or worked for beings of the 2nd dimension in exchange for immediate material conquests, since these beings had access to knowledge that was not common on our planet, by political and a limiting belief system set up by greedy beings who intended to use the energy of the inhabitants of the planet themselves, these systems are what you call government, monarchy, clergy or some religions and society system; the hierarchies of its socio-political system. People cede their power to a small number of people in order for them to use this power to better manage their resources. Much of these resources are lost from here to other planes or invested in more warfare, control and submission.

The Creation of Planet Earth

Through the work of these beings from the 2nd dimension, which some call Black Magicians, others Vampires, others still Spiritual Entrepreneurs, who use manipulation and illusion to enjoy the energies and work force of Earth's living beings, our planet has faced severe energy shortages and warlike and ideological battles for freedom. Regardless of the efforts of spirit guides and the amount of light beings who fought to undo the illusion of power of human beings, we understand that when it comes to free will, we have no power over each one's choices. By understanding time and individual evolution, we also continue with our work of spreading knowledge and seeking to enlighten more and more people, according to the balance of frequencies as they are attracted to light and wisdom, making them understand that the power offered by the cultists is already a right guaranteed by the Creator, just the knowledge and recognition of their capabilities and the connection with their full consciousness so that we humans also have access to power.

Many humans know this story as they remember how it happened. The human race is as old as planet Earth, so it evolved along with it to the 3rd dimension, in line with the expansion plans of the galactic and angelic orbs. We are not special because of that. However, we have a job to do: use this knowledge to free those who are still trapped in a world of illusion that no longer matches the energetic transition that planet Earth is going through and welcome Unconditional Love as its source of energy, to also free our existence from the limitation of feeding our life from other lives. This step is important for our evolution, as we are already creators (it is more correct to say that we are co-creators of our reality) and we have much to contribute and produce for our evolution, continuing our path towards our highest state of existence. As at this moment talking about this is predicting the future, it is not wise to continue or even encourage them to look to the future, but to the present, which has countless challenges, learning and creation to occupy and stimulate their life, mind, body and feelings.

The Creation of Planet Earth

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We are always helping you without any unbalanced demands or promises of energy or offering. It is important to understand that the worship of gods, angels and saints also has its time to end through knowledge, as there is no price to be paid for our existence when we connect to our Higher Self and the Creator of everything in the Universe. . Perhaps this is a next step to comment, since when knowing its history this knowledge can then be possible and of public curiosity.

First of all, the truth is within you. Everyone has access to question and confirm their truths, so trust your own truth, for from each individual truth comes the One Truth, the universe.

Wise gratitude to everyone!

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