The COVID-19

COVID-19 is a fact, a global reality, even! There isn't a country on the planet that hasn't heard about the virus and isn't talking about it. Yes, he is causing panic in the face of so many deaths. Yes, he is causing a lot of fear for the future in the face of so many uncertainties. The daily numbers are haunting and the statics that they will increase in the coming days do not comfort us, on the contrary.

COVID-19 can arrive as a flu that may or may not turn into pneumonia, which may or may not cause shortness of breath and, in the most severe cases, death. It is important to remember that in most of the deaths that occurred there were other pre-existing health problems and that by itself the virus is not as lethal as it seems, but it becomes extremely dangerous in people whose bodies already suffer from other diseases, such as seniors.

We already know what we need to do to try to avoid or reduce its proliferation: stay at home, maintain careful hygiene of hands, clothes, etc., have a healthy diet, sleep well and do physical and respiratory activities.

The COVID-19
Pexels/Edward Jenner

And with the exception of staying at home, all the other actions mentioned above should be daily, because they are sources of good immunity, and this is one of our biggest weapons against this virus. We've never been more responsible for our health than we are now, and the way our body will deal with this virus is directly linked to the immunity we're building. Therefore, food and physical activity are as fundamental as hygiene and isolation.

And we have no excuses not to practice them! Enjoy that you're at home and learn to cook, in case you don't know. There are thousands of programs and videos available with easy, healthy and delicious recipes. Virtually all gyms are offering online classes and Instagram is full of lives about it, so staying at home in isolation is very different from being in front of the TV all day, eating junk food non-stop or leading a sedentary life.

Self care and self love are on the agenda! It's time to take care of yourself, treat yourself well and protect yourself, because the virus is there and it will knock on every door. The news we have is that in a year we will all have contracted COVID-19, the question is: how will you and your body be when it arrives? We can do many things for our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health, and they all need more attention and care right now.

Actions such as: meditation, new learning, virtual meetings with friends, reading those books we bought a long time ago and are on the shelf, listening to music and dancing freely around the room are just some of the things we can do to feed our well-being and our soul, feeding our bodies, balancing us and pulling us out of the circle of bad news.

I'm sure there are courses you've always wanted to take, because now you have time and the internet at your disposal. Take the opportunity to rearrange your schedule and put in it a few minutes to silence and meditate. It doesn't need much effort, just the will and the first step.

The COVID-19
Pexels/Retha Ferguson

I've been reading a phrase a lot like this – if you can't go outside, go inside, so I suggest you accept this invitation and dive into yourself. Realize what fears this virus is causing you and look at them. Take this moment as an opportunity and not as a deprivation. You are alive in the face of so many deaths, you are having the chance to take care of yourself and strengthen yourself to face COVID-19, so don't panic, just breathe, feed and fill your time with what makes you good. .

Only by taking care of ourselves can we take care of others. Only by going inside can we realize how far out we are, how far from our essence, from our strength and personal brilliance we are. COVID-19 is a real threat, but it is much more than that, it is an invitation to question our modus operandi. Something has gone very wrong in our way of living, it is clear that we are going the wrong way. Life, God, whatever name you want to give it is Sovereign and will show us as many times as necessary that we are small, fragile and need to take care of ourselves, the other and the planet.

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COVID-19 can be an opportunity for transformation if we are attentive to the signs, if we take off the blindfolds and see that the choices we have made are generating loneliness, depression, disease, environmental destruction and so many other catastrophes. Stop and think about your daily life, from the time you wake up to the time you go to sleep, what do you do? How do you do? What do you eat? What do you feel? How do you relate to people? What is important to you? What are your aspirations?

I won't be surprised if your answers lead you to realize that practically everything you do is in the name of responding to a social demand for status, for power, for achieving so-called important goals and in the illusion that you are doing it for yourself when in reality you are doing it. while subject was in the last place of the task queue.

The COVID-19
Unsplash / Kinga Cichewicz

When I wrote that something went very wrong it was because we disconnected from ourselves, we are foreigners in our body. We stop being to have or pretend to be something else to please and/or achieve something. When we are connected with ourselves, we know how to take care of ourselves, we know what makes us sick and we protect ourselves from that. We are able to say NO.

When we are not whole and connected with our essence, we are incapable of hurting ourselves, the other and nature because we simply know that we are part of the Whole. Today COVID-19 is a mirror in which we see what we have become, in beings alone, fragile, trapped and full of fear. Stop and realize what your fears are right now, in this very moment, regarding this virus and face them. Stop and realize what needs to transform and change. The world is changing, life is demanding attitude and respect, don't be unnoticed, it can cost you dearly, it can kill you.

Don't underestimate COVID-19, take care, transform, love yourself and live connected with yourself, with others and with the planet. We are part of the Whole and, as long as we don't stop mistreating ourselves, we will be very, very susceptible to viruses, bacteria, catastrophes, in short, condemned by ourselves to live in imbalance and pain. Connect with what is sacred in you, recognize yourself as a daughter of the Earth and continue confident and without fear that there is a greater force and that we are just passengers learning to walk.

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