Summer Solstice: How to harness the energies of this magical day

    I love the sun. Not so much the heat, but I love seeing people on the streets until late at night, everyone with less clothes and more animation. Summer is a time of heyday, when all our expectations are – or not – met. It is a time of openness and pleasure, of enjoying life outside before the natural cycle of life makes us enter the house again. Summer is magic.

    And on the 21st of December we will finally enter this new season. The day this happens is called the solstice and yes, it is a day of many positive energies. We can enjoy this day by doing some rituals – which I follow religiously, every year.

    First, it's a great day for a housecleaning. In Portugal, an old custom says to take all the clothes out of the closets and put them in the sun, and I like to do that with those shabby winter pieces. I also arrange the bedding, change the bedspread for something more colorful and light and I also do this with pillows – the furry ones go to the closets and the most colorful ones come in – as well as the sofa blanket and even the living room rug.

    It's interesting how a renovation in the house already brings a new and fresh air, even more so after the last two years we've been living. It's a very good day to make requests to the Universe, so I follow a ritual that always helps me a lot.

    Summer Solstice: How to harness the energies of this magical day
    Pipop_Boosarakumwadi / Getty Images / Canva

    First, take a good lavender bath. You can use the herb in natura (recommended) or drops of essential oil. Lavender or lavender have the power to cleanse and, at the same time, restore energy, not letting us down, but relaxing. Run the water from the neck down after your normal shower.

    Then, take the four elements – a crystal of your choice, a lavender or lavender incense, a white candle (toothpick or 7-day candle, whatever your heart dictates) and a cup of water. Place it on the table, along with a sheet of paper and a pencil. Activate all the elements β€” light the candle and incense, manipulate the floral and take a sip of the water β€” and write your full name and the requests you want to make on paper. Then cut them all out, one by one, and burn them in a pot β€” ideally in a cauldron β€” and throw the ashes to the wind. It's a nice ritual to do alone, with a spouse or friends. Remember that the more positive energies, the greater the fulfillment of desires.

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    And enjoy the sun, summer and heat. Make yourself available to the world, risk being happy and enjoy the energies. Know that yes, winter will come – because it is the cycle and we need it – but the important thing is to live in the present. Happy solstice!

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