Sri Prem Baba: 3 Steps to Finding Transformation

Sri Prem Baba, humanitarian leader and spiritual master from São Paulo, initiated spiritually in India, promotes the journey of “Awakening of Love”, originally called “Awaken Love”, where he shows that, with three simple steps, we can find transformation. After realizing that people fail a lot in these aspects, he decided to promote this knowledge to the world.

Below, we explain each of the steps. Check out:

1 - Honesty

Be honest at all times, as difficult as it may seem. Be honest with others, but first and foremost be honest with yourself; with your feelings, your goals, your choices, your ideas and your ideals in life. The first step towards self-knowledge and a full life is having a real awareness of who we are, and this is defined by our way of being, acting and feeling. You will never be a happy person just because you say you are fine when asked. If something bothers you, be honest with yourself, accept that feeling and from there start acting to change it. Be true!

2 - Self-responsibility

Sri Prem Baba: 3 Steps to Finding TransformationTake responsibility for your actions, thoughts and choices. Stop looking for blame for what you feel or what you can't get. The only person responsible for what you have or don't have is yourself. Not taking responsibility only procrastinates situations that could take you closer to your goals. Be aware that the only one to blame for any situation you have to face is yourself. Everything happens in our life for a reason, and usually they all come from our choices. If you don't get what you want, maybe you're making wrong choices or going down the wrong path. No one is responsible for this but you. Take your responsibility!

3 - Kindness

Something so basic and unfortunately so forgotten and little practiced today. Being kind is a basic premise for an enriching and full life. Remember that we receive the same vibrations from the universe that we send to it. If you are a person endowed with empathy, who cares and looks out for others, you will also receive the same treatment; and the converse is true and little desired in this case. Be aware that all people are equal and therefore deserve exactly the same treatment, as polite and respectful as possible. Abuse of kindness!

Transformation will happen gradually and naturally as you follow these three basic steps. You will feel the change in yourself and in everyone around you, building an endless cycle of goodness, happiness, peace and fulfillment.

  • Written by Roberta Lopes from the Eu Sem Fronteiras team.
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