Natural Citrus, New Year, New Cycle

    Finally, we reached the end of 2017. Yes, it was a challenging year, with many adversities in our country and many challenges for each one, both nationally and personally. Usually, at the end of the year, we stop for a while to reflect on how the year was, at least we should, and I would like to suggest a little “friend” to accompany us in this turn of the cycle that happens every year, and which can be very useful for this year-end recycling process to be successful.

    This “friend” I mentioned is a crystal called Natural Citrine, this crystal is part of the quartz family and has a yellowish color, some even reach a golden color, very rare. Natural Citrus are beautiful stones and can have natural tips or be found as rough and rolled stones.

    Natural Citrus, New Year, New Cycle

    Maybe some of you have noticed that I wrote the word NATURAL after the word Citrine, and this is on purpose, as the vast majority of citrus that they sell in stores is BURNT AMETHYST, how? They put the amethyst in big ovens at X temperature (I don't remember how many degrees exactly) and they come out yellowish or even brown. You know those yellow or brownish druses (aggregates of crystal tips) that are so common in stores? They are all burned, you buy “cat in a poke”, they don't work for the energy purposes we want. Therefore, we always buy Natural Citrus Fruits, they are rarer and more expensive, but they are the only ones that interest us.

    Well, now that we understand another chapter of the deceptions that the crystal trade plays on us, let's get to what matters most. How can this crystal help us in this end-of-year process?

    We have two important points:

    The first is that Natural Citrine is one of the best stones, perhaps the best, to aid the process of assimilating information. As at the end of the year we do a retrospective of everything that happened during the year, the high points, the lows, what we could have done better and what we did very well, in these moments we need to be able to assimilate all this information so that we can retain only what is productive and eliminate all excess that will no longer serve us next year. Citrino Natural will help precisely in this process, it helps to “digest” all the information and bring more CLARITY so that we can properly plan the plans for the year ahead.

    Speaking of planning, here we will link with the second point of Citrino Natural's performance for this end of the year and the beginning of the next. In addition to helping to assimilate what happened to clear our vision, Citrine Natural is known as an excellent crystal to use at the beginning of new cycles. As every beginning of the year is a new cycle, Citrino Natural can be used every beginning of the year or the beginning of any other cycle you want. But why is he good for these moments?

    As it is a crystal that acts mainly in the third chakra, that of the solar plexus, Natural Citrine helps us to internally organize “our place in the world”, helping us to know how to discern exactly what we should or should not do and what is or is not important for our new path. He works very hard on DISCERNMENT and we can even say that in “higher octaves” he connects us with our own wisdom.

    Still on the subject of new cycles, Natural Citrine keeps the solar plexus chakra balanced, which results in a greater capacity for resilience and to remain emotionally balanced, after all, every beginning of the cycle carries with it some challenges and we must always be prepared to face them.

    Therefore, I suggest that, if you feel like it, use a natural citrine in the last days of 2017 and in the first days of 2018. This can be done through daily meditations with the crystal, using it in necklaces, jewelry or even in your pocket, or even making an elixir and having a glass a day (more information on how to make the elixir below).

    A great start to the cycle to all, and that in 2018 we can make all our dreams come true. And may we always remember that all the answers are already within us, just know how to listen!

    *Citrine Elixir: Take a natural citrus, clean it energetically and let it sunbathe for two hours. After this period, clean the crystal with soap and water and place it inside a rounded glass vase completely smooth and without motifs, no drawings, angles or shapes. Fill the jar with mineral water, as pure as possible. Place the jar with the crystal inside in the sun for at least two hours or until small air bubbles form inside the jar and on the crystal. The best sun is in the morning. Remove the jar from the sun. Drink a glass of this water a day. When the water in the jar runs out, repeat the process.

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