Signs that a person doesn't like you

Have you ever had the feeling that a person didn't like you very much? Maybe she gave you reason to think that or it was just an inexplicable impression you had, but in the end, that person liked you.

Sometimes the impression you got was correct. Imagined that a person didn't like you and they really weren't your fan. As uncomfortable as that is, it's not the end of the world, is it?

In another case, you may have met a person who seemed to adore you, only to find that they were talking about you behind your back. From these situations, it is clear that identifying if someone likes you can be a little more complex than it seems.

To help you build better relationships with the people around you, we've separated the signs that someone doesn't like you. Next, learn more about it and see how to deal with those who don't like you!

How do I know if someone doesn't like me?

Signs that a person doesn't like you
Anna Shvets / Pexels / Canva

There are some signs that a person doesn't like you if they don't tell you so directly. Not all of them always appear in your list, so pay attention to the details!

1) Away from the online life

If a person is super active on social media and interacts with all their friends there, imagine that they will also do this with you, as they get to know each other. But if she often ignores you, didn't want to add you on social media or unfollowed you, chances are she doesn't like you.

2) Change of plans

Imagine you have a group of friends and everyone is going out together. However, when one of these friends learned that his presence was confirmed, he withdrew from the tour. If the change of plans always happens when your name comes up in conversation, there's no doubt that this person doesn't want to be your friend.

3) Frequent indirect

Sometimes, when two people who like each other have a fight, they'll exchange shades for a while. But if you keep taking hints from a specific person who hasn't even argued with you, it's likely that that person has a crush on your personality or their choices, indicating that they don't like you.

4) Everything is a reason to fight

When a person doesn't like another, even the smallest of attitudes is already a reason for a fight. A post, a position, a taste or a way of speaking, for example, cause discomfort, which becomes even greater because of meaningless discussions. If it seems like everything you do is bothering someone, they don't like you.

5) Demotivating words

If you're in need of a shoulder to lean on or advice, you'll probably turn to someone you trust. But if all she does is offer you demotivating words, which imply that all your plans will go wrong, then this person certainly doesn't want the best for you.

6) No celebration

If you've achieved one of your dreams, anyone who loves you will celebrate that victory. So, if a person doesn't seem to be very happy for you or insists on letting you down on such a special moment, be sure they don't want to be part of your life.

7) No conversation

Many people find it difficult to talk to others because they are shy. However, if an individual is monosyllabic when talking to you, even after a long time of coexistence, the chances of him not liking your presence are high.

8) No invitation

A person who doesn't like you isn't comfortable with your presence. Because of this, when she organizes an event or a tour, she will hardly invite you. Or else you will make an invitation without any excitement, just out of politeness.

9) Lack of trust

You know that person who doesn't share information about their life with you? Everything you know about her has been told to you by others, and you can hardly have an intimate and lasting conversation. If she doesn't trust you, she's not your fan either.

10) An analysis of the relationship

Think about how you feel about your friendships. Is there a friend who makes you feel uncomfortable, unhappy, or unmotivated? Maybe this person even likes you, but if they only give you negative feelings, it's time to reconsider this relationship.

How do I deal with people who don't like me?

Signs that a person doesn't like you
fizkes / Getty Images Pro / Canva

There are many people who take pleasure in pleasing everyone, but it is not always possible to do so. For any number of reasons, someone may not identify with us, and that's more of that individual's problem than ours.

Knowing that it is inevitable to be a person loved by everyone, learn to deal with people who don't like you! That's because not all of them can just disappear from your life, can they? Check out:

1) Work on your self-esteem

Instead of trying to change your ways because someone doesn't like you, work on your self-esteem. Recognize which flaws you really need to improve and which traits are just part of your essence. So, the negative comments of this individual will not bother you.

2) Avoid conflicts

Unnecessary conflicts can happen if the person you don't like keeps teasing you. However, you should take a deep breath, maintain your maturity and ignore any introductory arguments. Show that you can get along without fighting all the time and that it will be better that way.

3) Keep your distance

Keeping your distance from those who don't like you is essential. If you can't do it physically, do it virtually. Unfollow on social media or just mute that person's profile. Thus, your contact will decrease, favoring the well-being of both.

4) Don't gossip

Gossip is never a positive attitude, especially if you're talking about someone who doesn't like you anymore. Therefore, avoid making negative comments about this person to third parties, as this can generate arguments and serious problems with coexistence.

5) Practice respect

By respecting the opinion of the person who doesn't like you, it will be much easier to deal with them. Recognize that she has the right not to like you and that doesn't mean you're a bad person. However, if you start to treat her badly because of this, her character will become questionable.

Should I take satisfaction with those who don't like me?

Signs that a person doesn't like you
bulatovic / Getty Images / Canva

Some people need the approval of others so much that, when they are rejected, they want to get satisfaction from those who don't like them. They want to find reasons, reverse the situation or just set up an argument to feel superior to those who hurt their ego. But is this recommended?

The answer is: it depends. So that you understand when you should make fun of someone who doesn't like you, and if you really need to, let's imagine some hypothetical situations. You will probably identify with one of them and, from there, you will be able to make your decision.

If the person who doesn't like you is a family member or a co-worker, it's possible that you spend a lot of time with them. And in that case, it would be difficult to walk away from that individual, so it is recommended that you talk to that person. Understand what she doesn't like about you and if they are aspects that you really need to review. So, if it is necessary to change, change and see the coexistence improve.

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In another case, if the person who doesn't like you isn't part of your social circle, leave him alone. You don't have to get along with everyone, and if that particular individual isn't a part of your everyday life, why bother him with an argument that can become heated? Just go ahead and forget about it, no satisfactions!

Once you learn the signs that a person doesn't like you and understand how to deal with it, you understand that it's normal not to please everyone. What matters most in this case are the attitudes you will take in relation to it. So follow our tips to always act in the best possible way!

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