Sights in Japan for those who are looking for spiritual evolution

Traveling is one of the things that most provide a certain kind of renewal for those who are tired of their own routine and, of course, also for those who like to enrich their soul by getting to know new peoples and cultures. Getting to know Japan can be one of the most incredible experiences a person can have, especially when it comes to exploring a society that carries an important spiritual burden. Known as a developed country for its people being extremely educated and spiritual, Japan has some specific places that are responsible for raising people's spirituality.

Japan is considered one of the most relevant destinations that promote an immersion in the essence of Buddhism, and the entire country is made up of numerous temples that instigate spiritual education and make it one of the most relevant characteristics of its culture. Here are some examples of tourist attractions in Japan that can provide you with a spiritual uplift:

Sights in Japan for those who are looking for spiritual evolution
Copyright : Ekaterina Bespyatova

1. 88 Templos de Shikoku

One of the main islands of Japan, called “Island of Shiloku”, is composed of no less than 88 Buddhist temples, in addition to being the most famous and also the oldest pilgrimage path in the East. Its route is 1.500 kilometers long and its route is full of several mountains, beaches, fields and even cities! This tourist spot can be explored by car, bicycle or train, but legitimate pilgrims go in search of spiritual elevation on foot, as they believe that going through the entire route with their own legs represents the achievement of enlightenment and the proximity of salvation. If you want to evolve spiritually on a temple trip, this will be a great choice!

2. Templo Kiyomizu-dera

This temple is located in the city of Kyoto and is one of the most important Buddhist temples in the region. It was founded in the 8th century and underwent renovation in the 17th century. Its name, “Kiyomizu-dera”, means “temple of pure water” or “clear water”. In it there is a source of crystalline waters that is usually the main attraction, which most attracts the eyes of tourists and locals. Listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, the temple is the perfect place to connect with the Buddhist universe and is one of the main tourist attractions that pilgrims from around the world seek to instill their spiritual side. In its construction, the Jishu Shrine has a certain prominence, as it is dedicated to Ookuninushi, the god of love.

3. Templo Kinkaku-ji

This Buddhist temple has an impressive mirrored lake and a flower garden around it. Over time, it was rebuilt, more precisely between 1467 and 1477, having been completely destroyed a few times. In the year 1950, it was set on fire by a monk. This place is considered a spiritualized tourist spot with good energy, due to the fact that its architecture is entirely covered in gold. Because it is very famous, España made two replicas of the temple: in São Paulo, in the city of Itapecerica da Serra, and in Paraná, in the city of Curitiba.

Sights in Japan for those who are looking for spiritual evolution
Copyright : Ekaterina Bespyatova

4. Complex of TĹŤdai-ji

Also listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, the Tõdai-ji Complex is a temple that has great importance within the set of shrines in Japan. In this temple there is a huge Buddha garden and also a bronze statue of Buddha Vairochana (considered to be the largest in the world). Vairochana is one of the five main Buddhas of meditation, so this place is suitable for those who want to get in touch with themselves while meditating. The interior of the temple has wooden cuts and is still the place where the Japanese school of Buddhism teaches classes on the religion.

5. Sensoji

Also known as “Asakusa Temple”, Sensoji is the oldest existing Buddhist temple in Tokyo. Its entrance is impressive and is usually a strong point for tourists: the gates have red lanterns and were built by Taira, a military commander in the year 942. The place is dedicated to Buddhist practices and inside it is the Pagoda das Cinco Histórias, which is on the list of the country's national treasures.

There are some stalls in front of the temple that sell souvenirs and some Buddhist accessories, but the place is perfect to elevate your spirituality, both for its historical importance and for the purpose of each one who visits the temple.

6. Ginkaku-ji

Temple destined for the famous Tea Ceremony, it is known as the Silver Pavilion. The temple was built by Ashikaga Yoshimasa, who died before the work was completed. Before he died, Ashikaga wrote in his will that one of his wishes was for this work to become a Zen Buddhist temple. As per his wishes, today Ginkaku-ji is a Buddhist temple. Even with the work unfinished because of the civil war, the temple is a popular place for spiritual rituals.

Sights in Japan for those who are looking for spiritual evolution
Copyright : Natalia Lukiyanova

7. Kotoku-in (Kamakura)

This temple is famous for being the place where the statue of the Big Buddha, entirely built in bronze, is located. Weighing around 93 tons, the statue is about 13 meters tall and, like the temple, has also been listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. One of the factors that make the temple a place of great relevance for the faithful is the possibility of writing graffiti messages inside the statue, as it is hollow. Directed to Buddhist practices, this is one of the most influential places for spirituality and has great strength among the Buddhist people, as it has been destroyed and rebuilt several times because of earthquakes.

8. Daigo-ji

Located in Kyoto, Daigo-ji temple is made up of more than 80 structures that start at the base and go to the top of a mountain called Daigo. In addition to being national treasures of the country, they are also listed as UNESCO World Heritage Sites. The temple has been restored several times and it is possible to reach the top of the mountain, which is a place of great importance for those who seek to meditate. To be at the top of the temple is to have a feeling of closeness to nature. Many say that it is possible to find tranquility and calm on the walk to it.

9. Motsu-ji

The most important and main temple of Tendai-Buddhism, Motsu-ji is one of the most spiritual places in Hiraizumi. In the course of history it has owned approximately 40 pagodas and 450 monasteries. Over time, some accidents occurred and ended up modifying the original structure of the temple, but even so it remains preserved. The temple is surrounded by an enchanting landscape. Various spiritual festivals are held there during the year. Such festivities promote staging that revives the time when religions such as Buddhism and Taoism reached many followers and were introduced into Chinese and, consequently, Japanese culture.

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10. That one

Also known as the East Temple, Toji was built when the Heian period began. This temple was one of the gates leading to Kyoto and is one of the temples that are part of a Buddhist sect called Shingon. Being about 54 meters tall, the temple is considered the tallest wooden tower in Japan. Toji was listed as the sect's second most important Buddhist temple and became a place defined as a symbol of Kyoto. Visitors seeking peace and tranquility can visit the temple on specific days of the year, as its pilgrims cherish the spiritual cleanliness of the environment and care for its heritage, which has also been listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

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