Repeated and odd numbers according to Numerology

    Numerology to give us an initial starting point and really understand. It is necessary to know that it is a science. Pythagoras, the precursor of this current that I use, created, studied and experienced the effect and energy that each number has. And its understanding and use can make a big difference in our life and in our results.

    Continuing the series of articles related to repeated numbers, let's understand and study odd numbers.

    1 – Cycle Start; 11 – Master in initial phase; 1:1 – A fresh start, with good news and careful choices; 11:11 – Focus on your inner strength, be patient and remember what challenges are for us to grow.

    3 – Creativity; 33 – Rare Level Master; 3:3 – Changes and transformations in sight; 3:33 – Think lightly and act wisely and creatively; 13:13 – Recreate, remake, reinvent, time to get rid of unwanted situations; 23:23 – Get ready for a lot of movement and unexpected changes.

    5 – Movement; 55 – Changes with new beginnings; 5:5 – Move and do different, different results come from different attitudes, you find yourself under the attention of the angels; 5:55 – Move and accept the flow, not everything is in our control; 15:15 – Protect yourself from intrigue and gossip, be careful and enjoy a moment of strong magnetism.

    7 – Spirituality; 77 – Take care of your inner strength and energy; 7:7 – You are protected, people may need you, make decisions and feel what is best for your life; 17:17 – Look after yourself, take care of yourself, take extra time to take care of yourself.

    Repeated and odd numbers according to Numerology / Pexels

    9 – End of cycle; 99 – Leave no more unfinished business along the way; 9:9 – Take it easy, complain less, take some time to do charity; 19:19 Pleasant moments about to happen, good friendships and prosperity are energies in your favor.

    Recalling, excerpts from the articles where we deal with repeated and even numbers: There are simple and complex combinations. Just as time and space are measured by time, so are the energy, vibrations and other mechanisms of the Universe.

    What else can we learn from the odd ones?

    • Continuity;
    • Movement;
    • infinity;
    • Invisible;
    • Inexplicable;
    • out of control;
    • flows;
    • Start;
    • folly;
    • Emotion;
    • Feelings;
    • Diversity…

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    Open up and let it flow. The source of knowledge of numbers and its infinity show us that there will always be something more ahead.

    Participate in the basic numerology course and guide for your life. Class 2021 starts in October. There will be 4 meetings, two in October and 2 in November. Secure your spot. The first 20 confirmed at a discount.

    For more information contact us or visit the link.

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