Reflection of the day – Why should we do it?

According to the dictionary, “reflection” means “concentration of the spirit on itself, its representations, ideas and feelings”. It is the act of thinking the thought itself; act of knowledge that turns on itself, having its own act as its object. It is the action of thinking long and thoughtfully to better understand the causes or reasons for an event, avoiding hasty judgment and impulsive behavior.

In this article, we're going to talk about the importance of daily reflection and what it changes the way you look at life.

We are part of a world that never stops. Even when we sleep, our unconscious works and makes us dream of some remnants of the day's events.

We basically live for the sake of responsibilities: work, tasks, bills, goals, goals… Reflecting is part of the routine, even if it goes unnoticed and seems irrelevant to the inattentive. The world currently restricts relationships to technology.

Conversations in which the presence is concrete, eye to eye, with people exchanging feelings and experiences about life, reflecting on human behavior and analyzing questions of what being is is getting in the background in a cold and common way.

Reflection of the day – Why should we do it?

This type of attitude that has been standing out in human relationships emphasizes the need for a true approach, in which the value of simple things and people is noticed in a deeper way. Reflecting is self-knowledge and self-analysis that have the power to change what is around the person who reflects. Shakespeare said, "Life without reflection is not worth living."

Reflection is the starting point for us to be able to analyze and understand, so that from understanding, we can solve problems that we deem impossible to be solved (such a judgment that is present by the simple fact of not looking inside).

Acting impulsively has become a completely natural act, where consequences are not measured and when everything happens, they are not always taken into account. Reflecting, in addition to dissolving internal and unresolved issues, can lead us to great learnings about the world and the life we ​​choose to live.

To reflect is to adopt a great power, because reflection allows us to consciously make decisions, to understand the lessons left by experiences (good or bad), to be grateful and, even when everything seems to go wrong, to celebrate the positive balance and highlight the strengths

It is clear that the more we get in touch with ourselves and the more we know ourselves deeply, the more healing power we have. Self-knowledge provides us with a positioning in front of life that gives us the autonomy to live life with determination and confidence.

Reflection of the day – Why should we do it?

Reflection promotes gratitude

As previously explained, reflection promotes powerful self-knowledge in the face of the universe.

Imagine yourself in the following situation: you are rushing to get to work, take an incredibly crowded bus, pass the ticket collector, pay your fare, and go to the back of the vehicle. Detail: you don't even remember the collector's face and you didn't verbalize a word either.

You are practically crushed inside the bus and you can't get off where you should, which makes you extremely angry and with numerous complaints on the tip of your tongue. When he manages to get down, already impatient, he arrives at work in a bad mood and insists on emphasizing: “My day has already started being horrible and I am in a bad mood”.

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All of your colleagues automatically withdraw and withdraw, as your behavior automatically imposed a certain social distancing. Over the hours, you problematize any minor event of your day, which makes everything a little heavier. You leave work and on your way home you run to the comfort of your home and again complain and remember, enhancing all the discomfort experienced in the previous hours.

If you, when you got home, reflected on the day, surely, no matter how long it took, you would come to a consensus with yourself that it was your fault for the day to be incredibly heavy, not the crowded bus, do you agree? Let's reflect now and understand what it would be like if you, instead of complaining and emphasizing the bad points, were grateful for everything you lived. Rebuilding history….

Reflection of the day – Why should we do it?

Imagine yourself in the following situation: you are running to get to work, you take the incredibly crowded bus, you pass the conductor, João, who always says good morning and even knows your name, pays your ticket and goes to the vehicle background. Detail: the conductor warned you to stay closer to the door, as the bus would be even more crowded when it approached your stop. You are practically crushed inside the bus, as well as approximately 30 other people, you can't get off where you should, which shouldn't irritate you, as the next stop is not too far away and this rarely happens.

When you arrive at work, you are greeted by at least three colleagues who say good morning with a wide smile and one even offers you a coffee with sugar, because he knows your taste. Over the hours, you can't even get irritated because your mind is so full of the smile of João, the conductor, who, despite the lack of comfort on the bus, pays attention to passengers.

Plus, you remember the warm welcome your colleagues gave you, complete with coffee and three smiles. You leave work and on your way back home, you walk calmly to see if you see João on the bus again, to offer you a cup of coffee and a smile, as you were given earlier. He arrives home and reflects on everything he has lived, feels every moment again and still smiles when he remembers how simple everything was.

Reflection of the day – Why should we do it?

Can you see the difference? Reflecting makes you think absurdly about yourself, but also about the other, which promotes gratitude. To be grateful is to see life with eyes of love and joy. You get from the universe what you give it.

When you say good morning to someone with a smile, as João does with every passenger who passes him, you can be sure that that genuine act has the great power to change that person's day and that you will receive double every improvement. Being grateful is recognizing not only the good things, but understanding that everyone needs to get to work at 9 am, so the bus is full.

It is to act with kindness and to see it multiply. When you are kind to someone, even if that person is in a bad moment, this attitude of gratitude breaks any barrier, causes that kindness to be multiplied and, as a consequence, comes back to you.

Reflection of the day – Why should we do it?

Reflecting is a generous act that makes you take care of yourself and the other. Take the test yourself! When you get home, daily reflect on your day. Remember every detail, rescue in memory your behavior in the face of what life has presented you and the way you received each little thing.

The way you behave in the face of events will define and drive how everything will be resolved. Being grateful and acting with gratitude will always be the best option in any situation.

The grateful person celebrates learning and reflects so that everything is always better and lighter. Did something not go as planned today and you got sad? Reflect so that tomorrow you receive the same event differently, as in the situation of the bus and João.

Be grateful and make it a habit to reflect every day!

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