rainbow baby hope

When society was essentially patriarchal, motherhood was an obligation for women. All should be mothers or they would not be fulfilling the most important social role assigned to them and, consequently, would have no value.

With the transformation of this reality, many women choose to be mothers. They don't do it out of an obligation or because they will have their own value attached to it, but because they want to experience this unique form of love, affection and compassion.

Thus, the announcement of a desired pregnancy is something transforming in a woman's life. However, the pregnancy does not always reach the end, for a number of reasons. Miscarriages account for 15% of pregnancies in the world, according to data from the medical journal The Lancet, 2021.

Despite this sad scenario, a woman who has had a miscarriage can become pregnant again. And when that happens, the baby being born is given a very special name. Next, learn more about this synonym for hope and lots of love: the rainbow baby.

What is rainbow baby?

The rainbow is a natural phenomenon caused by the encounter between water droplets and sun rays. We can see it in the sky after a period of heavy rain, when the clouds finally give way to the biggest star in the Solar System.

rainbow baby hope
Dominika Roseclay / Pexels

Symbolically, rain is associated with sadness, loneliness and a period of hardship. At the same time, the rainbow, which appears at the end of this cycle, is a symbol of hope and joy, which indicates that everything can be well again.

Therefore, a rainbow baby also carries such symbolism. That's because this term is attributed to the child who is forming after his mother has suffered a miscarriage. That is, after the period of sadness, loneliness and difficulties that the loss of a baby brings, there is a new chance for life, love and affection.

In this way, the concept of a rainbow baby is empowering for mothers who have faced an irreparable loss, indicating that they can move on and enjoy the good surprises that life still has in store for them, such as a new child.

an interrupted dream

A miscarriage is the interruption of a dream. The woman who has been through this situation, as well as her partner, may feel guilty, depressed, anxious, discouraged, and sad. It is as if motherhood and/or fatherhood could not be realized.

rainbow baby hope
Pixabay / Pexels

Even with the advances of society, we still live in a patriarchal reality, in which women are expected to be able to give birth whenever they become pregnant. So, when that doesn't happen, it's possible that the mother is reprimanded even by people close to her, as if she had power over her own body, over the uncontrollable.

To better deal with the break in expectations and social pressure, the mother(s) and/or father should seek psychological help. With professional treatment, people who have lost a baby will be able, little by little, to regain faith and strength, seeing that life can be better than it is in this period of pain.

In addition, there is no correct or more acceptable way to experience the loss of a child who was in the process of training. Some couples may grow closer with death, while others may drift apart. There are moms who will be motivated to try again, but others won't want to think about it for a while. Each person will process pain in a different way, and that must be respected.

A new hope

A rainbow baby can come into the life of a woman or a couple when all seems lost. While it is possible to get pregnant again after losing a baby, many people are wary of trying again. It takes strength to overcome the pain and form a support network to rebuild.

However, with or without planning, when a new pregnancy begins, everything changes. First, the person who is expecting the rainbow baby becomes even more cautious about pregnancy. Almost at the same time, all the joy of generating a life is translated into smiles, parties, celebrations and spreading the good news to friends and close relatives.

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And then the family of the baby rainbow can see a new horizon, when the storm has stopped and life happens again. Despite all the cheer, insecurity and fear can still arise from time to time. Keeping medical follow-up for physical and mental health, however, everything will go well.

From the information presented, it is understood that the rainbow baby is a symbol of hope, strength and overcoming. After an interrupted pregnancy, it is still possible to live well and fully, including with a new family. Remember to offer support to all pregnant women, in any situation!

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