Pure energy!

Pure energy!

You know that day when you get up, get dressed and go to fulfill your responsibilities, which are usually repetitions of the previous ones? Really?

When someone is asked how their day was, the answers range from normal, good, easy, tiring, etc. Like every day.

Have you ever stopped to analyze how much truth is in this answer?

As apparent as today is to yesterday, this is a big lie that you propagate. Nothing is the same as the minute ago it was lived. The days are completely different. Some are "normal" as always. Work, lunch, work, home. Talk to bosses, colleagues, friends, customers, family members… When we analyze, we see that they are not normal.

Others are completely different: you are constantly praised, when you enter a place everyone looks in your direction and smiles are multiplied with every step you take. In some situations, you are even embarrassed. It seems that this day was set for you to receive all the attention. That's pretty good, isn't it?

Do you know why?

It is the energy that emanates. The energy you are composed of: bones, muscles, blood, flesh, nerve and everything that you are composed of are energies in dense form, as we live on planet Earth, which is in the 3rd Dimension, but there are other elements, the subtle ones, of the which you are composed. Your feelings, your thoughts and your emotions are energies that vibrate in your bodies: physical, etheric, emotional, mental, spiritual, causal and divine.

When they say that we are pure energy, many do not believe, deny and disagree with quantum physics, which has proved that everything around us is energy. Some only value physical presence – solidified energy. If we were not like that, we would be wandering or floating without being able to fulfill the commitments made for the earthly journey.

Energies are mutable, varying according to the frequency you present at the moment. If the person is happy, this is a high energy vibration; if sad, vibrates low energy. When a connection to this or that feeling or emotion develops, your life evolves, grows, and progresses—or involutes, regresses, and declines, leading us to find in a quest outside ourselves the reason for one thing or another.

Our answers are within ourselves, because the questions were asked long ago. We are born with them and, depending on our daily energies, we approach or distance ourselves from them.

We know that, in electric turbines, electricity is constantly generated by the source of the river to which it is connected. We are also connected to an energy source. Unlike the river that may one day dry up, our energetic source comes from the I AM from which we originate — an inexhaustible source.

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You know that your vibrational energy is high or not when we look like a pair of pants passing through a field with tall grass and, when we reach a smoother terrain, we realize that we have many burs attached that are easy or difficult to remove. That's how it is in life: your vibration collapses with the vibration of the other, so we can live favorable situations or not.

So, out of obligation to do the best and seek within ourselves the highest vibrational frequency, in virtue of the objective of the opportunity to be here once again, we must seek to tune in positive energies in our own lives and in everyone around us to perform the best of the role that fits us in this journey.

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