Pure and Welcoming Feminine: A Lesson from the Desert Rose Crystal!

In this month of March I would like to pay a simple tribute to women, who celebrate their day this month. What I like to emphasize when I talk about the feminine is that although I am writing in honor of women, this inherent characteristic of creation is present in both men and women. Both have masculine and feminine sides and each human being will dose the amount of each according to their own characteristics.

Here it is worth remembering the concepts of Anima and Animus, by Jung, and/or the TAO (Yin and Yang), which are the complementary opposites that are part of all creation. That is, everyone has both sides and, therefore, this text is in honor of the feminine that resides in us men and women, which needs to be in balance so that we can have a truly full and complete life.

There are many crystals that work with the energy of the feminine, some work with the most delicate feminine aspect, others "empower" the feminine by bringing the archetype of the ancient Goddesses, and there are still those that speak of the true strength that exists within this aspect of creation. We also have crystals that connect us with the spiritual aspect of the feminine, with the great Divine Mother.

Today I decided to write about a crystal that is unique among all these crystals, I say unique because it forms in a very special way and its energy is a little different from other crystals. Perhaps it is different because it is formed by “sand crystals”. That's right, it forms in desert regions, by an evaporation process that aggregates sand particles with gypsum particles (selenite), forming beautiful flower-shaped crests.

Pure and Welcoming Feminine: A Lesson from the Desert Rose Crystal!

These crystals are called DESERT ROSE SELENITE. Talking about this crystal requires us to analyze the subtleties involved in its formation, come on! First, we have a crystal that is formed from sand, which reminds us of the earth element. This, in turn, is the element that symbolizes the great Mother of all on Earth, after all, it is from her that we are all formed, it is from the Earth that everything material originates.

We say that the Earth is the great mother of all of us and this crystal, having sand itself as its main element, tells us about a crystal totally connected to Mother Earth, the great Mother. Bound to Earth (sand), we have gypsum, which is an element that forms selenite crystals. For those who don't know, selenite crystals (when found pure in sticks or plates) have one of the purest energetic frequencies in the mineral kingdom, so much so that they are used to purify other crystals of energetic impurities.

Therefore, we have the union of Mother Earth's welcoming energy with the purity of her "immaculate" energy, that is, it is the energy of the welcoming feminine in its purest possible form. No judgment, prejudice or disputes. Here the frequency of the feminine, of the great Mother, simply is. When we think about the characteristics of Mothers, we remember unconditional love, nutrition, endless compassion, reception and much, much understanding.

Pure and Welcoming Feminine: A Lesson from the Desert Rose Crystal!

These are characteristics that the Desert Rose encourages us to rescue within ourselves, so that we can allow our heart to get rid of ties, fears, anxieties, frustrations, barriers and several other characteristics that we end up creating and, with that, we close the house. from our Soul to the purest impulses of our Spirit.

The Desert Rose came from the DESERT, from an arid, lifeless, almost dead environment, and yet it was “created” in the middle of “nothing”. He created a “flower”, a rose, which is the symbol of the Soul and, with that, brings with it the necessary strength to dissolve all the blocks in our heart. She helps us take care of this region, which may be too barren, so that it can bloom again and connect with the Purity that resides within all of us.

Looking at it from a more practical point of view, this crystal can be used by people who are working on cleansing processes of traumatic aspects linked to the past, whether of a loving, affective or sexual nature. The Desert Rose will help in reconnecting with the Divine Mother within us, who forgives everything, so that we can forgive OURSELVES and forgive those who inflicted something on us that we do not agree with.

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Through the Selenite crystals, the Desert Rose will purify the entire system of the body and let the love of the energy of the sacred feminine, of the great Mother, of Purity, return to our hearts, thus leaving disputes and fears aside and opening again to the possibility of living love in its fullness.

In order for this whole process that I described above to occur, it is necessary to meditate a lot with this crystal and, if possible, use it with you for a long time. It's common for some people to think that crystals work miracles and that just using a crystal in less than a week it will do the entire cleaning process, AND THAT'S NOT TRUE!

Most traumas and blockages were generated many years ago and this formed a pattern, a "shell" around the person. As these "shells" (generally) are difficult to identify and clean, the healing process needs to be gradual, and often slow, so that she can absorb all the richness that such learning has come to add to her life.

Pure and Welcoming Feminine: A Lesson from the Desert Rose Crystal!

Finally, may we all always stay connected with the Divine Mother within our hearts, so that we never forget that Purity is the virtue of the Great and Truly Strong, and with that we can help in the purification of this world that so lacks purity and host.

Let us start with ourselves and stop pointing the finger at our brothers. After all, the other is always a reflection of my interior. If you think this is your time to cleanse your heart, let Desert Rose Selenite help you in this process. If not now, fine, whenever you want she will always be ready to help, just like a great Mother!

OBS: We have some varieties of Desert Rose, all can connect with this principle of the Divine Mother, but only the Desert Rose Selenite will have the Selenite crystals in its composition. Therefore, I recommend using this type of crystal that will access the energies I described above in the fullest and most complete way.

My personal experience is only with Desert Rose Selenite, not Desert Rose Barite or other varieties.

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