Proof of meditation by science

For many people, the recipe for getting rid of problems and illness is simply to close your eyes and connect with yourself. Meditation is a very frequent practice and has shown positive results over the years.

Lately, science is discovering that the benefits of meditation are many and proven to go far beyond just relaxation. If you want to understand how this ancient practice is being analyzed by people who study the biology of our bodies, check out each of the topics below!

From the past to the present

Proof of meditation by science
Photo: Pexels/Pixabay

Meditation is the name of the activity that aims to focus attention on a thought, an object or an issue to be resolved. In the East, where it emerged, especially in India, this practice aims to achieve spiritual elevation and greater clarity of thoughts.

It is common, in this case, for people who perform meditation to have difficulty maintaining it, since they have to deal with questions about themselves that do not always bring pleasure when analyzed. However, this is the most traditional way of meditating.

Over time, the practice also became popular in the West, but with a sense of guaranteeing relaxation, no longer to reflect on oneself. Despite this, there have been some efforts to return meditation to what it was in the beginning.

The practice of yoga is an example of this, as this exercise seeks the connection between body and mind. Another example is Indian guru Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, who tried to convince the Beatles to cross the planet to learn how to meditate properly.

Currently, meditation is used in numerous ways, whether to develop self-knowledge or to better deal with stressful situations. But it was not until 2010 that it was recognized by science as a beneficial practice for the health of the body and mind.

meditation and science

Proof of meditation by science
Photo by Polina Tankilevitch from Pexels

For science to prove the effectiveness of a drug or a practice, tests are carried out with groups of people who make use of this object of study and with groups of people who do not use it. With meditation, the tests were conducted this way.

Therefore, comparing the behavior of the brain of practitioners of meditation during stressful situations to the functioning of the brain of those who do not practice it, relevant differences were identified.

A study carried out with 15 volunteers by Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center, USA, in 2013, revealed the following changes in the brain of those who practice meditation: increased activity of the anterior cingulate cortex (area fully responsible for attention and concentration) , the prefrontal cortex (linked to motor coordination) and the hippocampus, the area responsible for storing memory.

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It has also been found that, in addition to stimulating the brain, meditation can trigger the amygdala, which is responsible for regulating emotions, being responsible for the feeling of relaxation that many people feel from meditation.

The following year, in 2014, a new research was carried out, this time by Harvard University, also in the United States of America, led by scientist Sara Lazar. The study looked at the cognitive ability of middle-aged people who practiced meditation for most of their lives and found that they had the brain of a 25-year-old, in terms of neurons.

These findings proved that meditation can preserve a person's mental health for longer, as well as fight hippocampal-related illnesses such as depression and dementia. Here are the other science-proven benefits of meditation!

Benefits of meditation, according to science

1) Deal better with stressful situations

Proof of meditation by science
Photo: Aleksandr Davydov / 123RF

A person feels stressed when he or she has to perform activities that demand a lot of energy or do not have a simple solution. She quickly feels helpless and overwhelmed, and may even develop anxiety.

With meditation, however, the brain will have a tendency to handle stressful situations better. This does not mean that stress will cease to exist, but that it will be possible to look at it, understanding its origin, in order to be able to carry out other activities without this feeling being limiting.

2) Increase the body's immune response

Proof of meditation by science
Photo by Karolina Grabowska no Pexels

When a person does not take the time to take care of their own body, they are likely to be affected by colds and viruses more easily. Immunity can be reduced if poor sleeping and eating habits are maintained, for example, which can be the result of poor time management.

By practicing meditation, a person will be able to dedicate more attention to each activity of their day, as well as feel easier to organize their own routine. Taking 20 minutes a day to relax your brain will already ensure that your immune response is greater than it would be if your routine was always exhausting and busy.

3) Fighting depression

Proof of meditation by science
Photo by Gustavo Fring on Pexels

Depression is a mental disorder that affects people of all age groups. There is not always a specific cause for this problem, so it is important to always carry out psychological follow-up. However, reflecting on yourself and the issues that surround you can be a way to feel less depressed.

Meditation is a practice that can be used as a form of self-knowledge. Dealing with your traumas and situations that cause negative feelings in you is possible from this reflection exercise. Always with medical supervision, meditation can be one of the factors that will prevent the development of depression.

4) Increased ability to focus

Proof of meditation by science
Cottonbro's photo on Pexels

For many people, focusing on one activity while other things are happening can be a challenge. There are mental disorders that cause this problem, so it's important to investigate it. In other cases, however, meditation can be an effective practice for increasing concentration.

During meditation, you will need to direct your attention to something, whether it is a part of your body or an issue that you want to reflect on. By performing this exercise frequently, your mind will be trained to devote full attention to one activity at a time, even favoring your organization.

5) Improved sleep quality

Proof of meditation by science
Cottonbro's photo on Pexels

Many people know that sleeping well is essential to preserve the health of the body and mind, but few are able to put it into practice. A busy routine and many tasks to perform are issues that can make it difficult to get a good night's sleep. Meditation, in this sense, is a method that can help.

Taking a few minutes at the end of the day to meditate will bring relaxation to your body. That way it will be easier to fall asleep and stay asleep for the ideal time, clearing your mind of all the worries that disturb you during the night. Do the test!

Meditation is an ancient practice that has been proven to be effective by medicine. If you want to bring this exercise into your life, therefore, look for guided meditation channels, seek yoga classes and take time out of your day to develop your ability to take care of your body and mind!

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