Practicing Yoga daily

    Yoga means union, interaction. It is a meditation technique that uses stretching to improve body resistance. There are several types of yoga, some are more focused on physical strengthening, such as Power Yoga, repetition of fast movements and Core Yoga that works the central part of the body.

    Regular practice brings more health, energy and several other benefits:

    • Self knowledge;
    • Reduces anxiety and stress;
    • Strengthens the brain and nervous system;
    • Increases concentration, memory and intellect;
    • Soothes back pain;
    • Decreases symptoms of digestive and respiratory problems;

    Beginners must have the guidance of specialized teachers, after the instructor's approval, the student can practice alone. But, if you are not yet in any school and want to practice yoga, know that there are exercises that can be done by anyone, as long as it is in a quiet place. Check out what they are and how to make them here.

    Practicing Yoga daily

    yoga at home

    Practice the exercise below daily for 15 or 20 minutes:

    • Sit straight, shoulders and neck relaxed in the lotus position without leaning your back against the wall. If not, sit on a chair, with or without a cushion;
    • Breathe deeply and slowly;
    • As you breathe in, think that you are at peace;
    • As you exhale, think the same for others.

    Take advantage of this tip and incorporate yoga into your daily life! Don't forget to tell how the practice is changing day by day.

    Text written by Sumaia de Santana Salgado from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team

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