Portal 08/08 – What can happen during this portal?

On the 08/08th, a very important energetic portal will open, a powerful vortex of Sirian energy that will flood our Solar System with a very blue and very bright light, which will transmute and transform all those who choose to benefit from this wonderful energy.

Here are some cosmic gifts that you can intend and experience more intensely during the 08/08 portal.

1 - Care

The portal will cleanse and heal the heart blocks because the Lion's Portal activates the heart chakra. This is why old wounds, resentments and hurts that have gone to the heart can emerge to be healed and we will finally feel free from any sadness or burden.

2 – Awakening psychic gifts

The Lion's Gate also activates the third eye chakra. You may feel more intuitive or learn something new about improving your gift of intuition or communicating with the higher dimensions.

Your intuition is likely to get stronger. If there's something you want to experience more clearly, Lion's Gate is a great time to start.

3 – Higher opening of the chakras

While we have seven major chakras – or vortexes of energy in our body – we also have hundreds of smaller, more sensitive chakras that can be activated and awakened during the Lion's Gate.

This will help you to explore new levels of wisdom and greater spiritual knowledge.

Portal 08/08 – What can happen during this portal?

4 – Downloads

With Sirius' high vibrational energy being beamed down upon us during the opening of this portal, we are more likely to receive specific downloads. This can happen through dreams, visions, channeling from spirit guides, angels and cosmic brothers when we are relaxed or in a meditative state.

5 - Visits

Sirius is home to beings of higher consciousness, angels and other beings that vibrate at very high frequencies.

Under the energy of the Lion's Gate it will be easier to access messages, have dreams, receive signs or visits from our loved ones who have passed beyond the veil and also from our spirit guides and guardian angels. Communicating with our galactic brethren may also become easier as we will be vibrating at higher frequencies.

6 - Freedom

One of Sirius' strongest vibrations is the energy of freedom. Sirius illuminates our soul and our ethereal bodies. By assimilating this information, you will certainly feel freed from the limitations and conditioning of the third dimension. When you understand that you are a multidimensional being, you will understand that the human experience is just a part of the infinite experiences that you have already had and that you will still have.

7 - Peace

Sirius also emanates very peaceful vibrations, so spending time in nature and bringing your mind into a state of presence in the here and now is a great way to tap into this peaceful energy and use it to heal and restore your mind, your body and your aura.

8 - Creativity

The Lion's Gate inspires us to be more creative, so if you're looking to unlock or expand your creativity and your gift for imagining and creating new experiences, wherever you can express your gifts and talents more creatively , the opening of the Lion's Gate is a highly opportune time to align with creative wealth.

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Lion's Gate 8/8 is the time of greatest transmutation, transformation and transcendence of the year, so define how you wish to experience these energies and join us in mass meditation during the Lion's Gate on August 8th. 2020 at 08:08 am and 20:20 pm in your time zone. You can also do the guided meditation in the video below along the Lion's Gate at the suggested time or time that best fits your daily schedule.

Portal Meditation 08/08

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