Or what the Dalai Lama says about or contacting aliens

    Or what the Dalai Lama says about or contacting aliens

    Transcription and translation of the video: “If I say that I am the Dalai Lama, or as some say 'Your Holiness', this attitude creates a certain distance between you and me. When you look at the other differently from you, and you already think you are different from that person, we create a distance. I practice it. Do not differentiate between humans, animals and other living beings. Of course, if we receive visitors from another planet, we must say “It's human like us”. A little different, maybe. But basically the same. The same living being. Respect them. Look at them, they really are living beings! You can shake hands if they have hands (laughs). If there is distance between us, behaving just like “human beings”, saying that those from another planet are “strange beings”, then it creates more anxiety and more fear”.

    Dalai Lama shares his interesting views on what we could do in case an extraterrestrial visitor comes to Earth. It's always nice to hear someone with a big voice bring up this theme, because aliens are a very popular topic these days. Definitely resonating with what the Dalai says, that everything is really interconnected, that we are all one in this world, and that we have to see everyone and everything with a facet other than ourselves, is really something that must be done. taken in consideration.

    It's not really a spiritual belief, as even modern science is looking at this fact differently. The interconnectedness of all things is a great example of this.

    Until we are ready to see all that is before our eyes here on Earth, looking at those outside is something we must be prepared for. We are heading towards an exponential contact and that further on, we will be able to see a future “in the stars”.

    The vast majority of people on Earth believe that we are not alone in the universe and that there is intelligent extraterrestrial life out there. Many also believe that extraterrestrial visitation to planet Earth has been going on for a long time. Research shows that there is evidence to support the claim that we have been visited and are being visited on a daily basis.

    Evidence varies from official documents such as UFO researchers, governments and space agencies. In addition, we have high-level statements, such as from the military, as well as ordinary people, who have already declared extraterrestrial contact.

    “There is abundant evidence that we are being contacted and that civilizations have been visited for a very long time. That these visitors use consciousness technologies and magnetic disks for their propulsion systems, which seems to be a common denominator of the UFO phenomenon.” Dr. Brian O'Leary, former NASA astronaut and Professor of Physics at Princeton.

    “Yes, there was a crashed ship, and the bodies recovered. We are not alone in the universe, they have been coming here for a long time”, Apollo 14 astronaut.

    “Decades ago, visitors from other planets warned us about the direction we were going and offered to help. Instead, some of us, interpreting his visits as a threat, decided to shoot first and ask questions later. It is ironic that the US is fighting monstrous wars, claiming to bring democracy to these countries, when it itself can no longer claim to be called a democracy, when trillions of dollars have been spent on obscure projects that both Congress and the commander-in-chief kept secret. ”, Paul Hellyer, former Canadian Defense Minister.

    • Text translated and adapted by Natalia Ianonne from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team.

    Originally written by http://www.collective-evolution.com

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