Open letter to the rising starseed souls

Beloved Ones: As you tap into the cosmic records in the higher realms, you begin to broaden your awareness of the cosmic lineage to which you belong. The reunification process is well underway, and therefore many faithful Lightservers are now striving to reclaim the many aspects of their divinity. A part of our mission is to help you remember your divine heritage, and also to help you understand the unprecedented process that humanity is in at this time.

Many of you, the Starseeds and the Wayshowers, have entered this lifetime with the vibrational frequencies of the Rays (within your Diamond Core God Cell) more active than those still functioning in the lower fourth dimensional realms. Consequently, you have experienced more "explosions of divine consciousness perceptions" during recent years. If you compare the observations about your past experiences with other people on the Path, you will find that you have had very similar experiences throughout your lifetime. You are now aware that many of the miracles, inspired thoughts and beneficial coincidences are not common to the average person, who still exist and function in the distorted realms of the mass consciousness belief structure.

What you are going through now, valiant hearts, is the transition of the final stages of the fourth dimensional realm. What is occurring right now for many of you who are on the “fast lane of the Ascension process” is that you are immersed in the integration of the remaining facets of your fourth dimensional Higher Self. This activates many memories and feelings, like a kaleidoscope of experiences from your ancient past in the higher realms. Over the past few years, we have been relaying to you the critical process you must go through in order to arrive at your programmed destination – the first subplane of the fifth dimension.

As you integrate the finer fragments of your Higher Self, you will gain access to the cosmic records of your past, along with the wisdom needed to move through the final levels of the fourth dimensional material planes. You are starting to get a glimpse of how magnificent you really are in the higher realms. You are also slowly drawing into your auric field the refined frequencies of the five Higher Galactic Rays that contain the Divine Blueprint for the Age of Aquarius. Furthermore, you are progressively beginning to integrate your new divine Blueprint, via the Kundalini Memory Seed Atom, which has been stored in your root chakra throughout your many human lifetimes.

We have emphasized this fact many times: "your current existence is one of the most important lifetimes you have ever experienced since taking the physical vessel." You chose your date of birth because of the astrological configurations and special energies it contained and projected – energies and qualities that focused on the strengths and talents you were about to experience. Also highlighted were the negative thought forms/energies - those that were the most imbalanced in their four lower body systems: physical, emotional, mental and etheric - the lower frequency thought forms that kept them trapped in the shadows of illusion and limitation.

You chose your parents, your family, and those you would interact with during this lifetime for the same reason – those who would project or reflect to you the positive attributes that you needed to integrate, as well as many negative traits that you needed to overcome. All of the dear Souls in your life are part of a great drama that you have chosen to experience in this lifetime – each has agreed to play a role that would confidently be mutually beneficial. Ask yourself what traits your parents, your family, your partner and children project on you – then think about the negative traits they exhibited; therein are the lessons you set out to experience, and, confidently, benefit from a Soul level. Did you learn your lessons well? Are you exhibiting more of the positive traits or more of the negative traits that others reflect to you? Consider the tests and challenges as an opportunity to once and for all transmute all the imbalances that are holding you back from stepping through the portal into the new fifth dimensional reality.

You and your family members chose to come together as a family unit because you knew this would give you the greatest opportunity to balance your mental and emotional natures. We realize that the most important lesson for many of you is knowing that you are worthy of love and respect, and that the time has come to start taking back your power. The people in your life will not respect you until you learn to set boundaries and meet your own needs before you try to help them. You are not responsible for the growth of anyone's Soul but your own. As you learn to set boundaries and take back your power, you will find that your relationships with those around you will gradually begin to change for the better. Furthermore, you cannot take anyone's lessons or responsibility for your mistakes. They must learn the rules of cause and effect for themselves. The greatest gift you can give others is to love them enough to allow them to work through their own problems and mistakes.

My brave ones, you are here to teach love, unconditional love, by loving yourself unconditionally first. There are many of your Soulmates incarnated on Earth at this time, male and female. More Soul families are being gathered as you delve deeper into the refined realms of Light. The best way to help those in your family, your friends or your co-workers is to be a shining example.

You are also here to learn detachment – ​​that you cannot really own anyone or anything. The beauty, abundance and bounty of the Universe are your divine birthright, but these gifts are like loans to you. You must hold them lightly in your hands, and allow them to flow freely out into the world – take what you need, and then share the rest – do not accumulate. When humanity reaches this reality, all poverty and scarcity will disappear from the Earth.

Open letter to the rising starseed soulsThe main emphasis at this time is on returning to wholeness within yourself – by taking personal responsibility for your actions, developing self-esteem and a sense of dignity – via your Solar Heart Center, in cooperation with your Soul Self and the Higher Self. Truth and integrity will be the foundation of any relationship in the future. First, you need to accept who you are in the present moment, as you strive to become the best person you can be, through self-examination of your attitudes, beliefs, habits and weaknesses.

In the near future, the Wayshowers and Vanguard Souls, those who are producing the highest wisdom of the new Divine Blueprint, will prove that diseases of any kind need not manifest as the body ages. The human physical receptacle was intended to function in optimal health for at least 120 years. Humanity as a whole is trapped in the third and fourth dimensional mass consciousness belief system, where major issues from the past and imperfections within ancestral DNA allow these stressful and debilitating symptoms to manifest – if the to be allowing yourself to feel unloved, unworthy, or guilty, ashamed or resentful in any way. As the Soul is allowed to become the guide and director of the physical personality – rather than the ego desire body consciousness – all negative energies that result from key memories of the ancient past will surface so that each person can release them once and for all. This will be through conscious utilization of the Violet Flame of Transmutation, and paying attention to the inspired thought forms gleaned from your Sacred Mind and your cosmic guides – as well as the many higher frequency healing modalities now available.

As you move deeper and deeper into Self-Awareness and begin to listen to the wisdom of your physical body – your Body Memory Seed Atom – you will no longer rely on so many external methods (drugs, surgery and artificial means of healing). The drastic physical and disease/health imbalances that most human beings are now facing will gradually be replaced by healthy and harmonious living practices that will be guided by the new spiritual and intuitive wisdom that you have stored in your Sacred Mind. Humanity cannot rely solely on the current practices of the medical profession. Your Soul is admonishing you to integrate a more holistic approach to healing the physical, mental and emotional bodies so that the higher frequencies of the Supersoul can integrate without as much trauma and discomfort to the physical vessel.

As we have often stated, Light, Sound and Color are the healing modalities of the future. A study of the chakra system, and the frequencies of the five higher Galactic Rays, will help healers and counselors in how to inform their patients of what is out of balance in their auric field, and how to help it return, little by little, and maintain a healthy physical body. Our teachings give you all the guidance you will need to integrate these “additional methods of healing” into your current health regimen. You also have a wonderful storehouse of information available in your Sacred Mind.

As your radiance expands and becomes more powerful and far-reaching, you, along with other Lightworkers, will become a unified force that will not be rejected - a force for transformation and change of the highest order. . Be bold in your vision. See what is right in your world, thus reinforcing the Love/Light that dwells in each and every person you meet. Do not focus on the shadows, as your thought patterns will always connect and reinforce the dimensional frequencies that you focus your attention on.

Your only true enemy is fear. Release the fear and radiate the Love/Light, and then watch as the miracles unfold. You are masters of manifestation – you just forgot. Believe in yourself and stop creating those things that cause you pain, guilt and suffering. Become co-creators of Light, peace, balance and harmony once again and join those who are striving to reclaim the primal beauty of planet Earth. Claim your rightful place as Masters of Light, dear ones, and remember, as you integrate the knowledge of Spirit and enlightened truth, we ask you to move forward and share your wisdom. We are always there to guide, protect and inspire all of you, but most importantly, to love you.

I AM Archangel Michael.

Streamed by Ronna / Holy Scribe | May be published in newspapers, magazines or public print with permission from: Translation: Ivete Adavaí Brito – – |


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