Numerology for Valentine's Day

    Numerology for Valentine's Day

    On this Valentine's Day, I want to bring a reflection for you to enjoy the egrégora of this celebration, regardless of whether you are in an affective relationship or not.

    We know that love is beautiful and starts within us. The numerological vibration of this day is precisely aimed at soul love, which is the divine spark that vibrates within us.

    Reflection is to restructure one's feelings and emotions. Also to take away the illusions created by the mind and look into your soul truth, which takes courage to assume who you are in love and look at the wounds created throughout your experiences.

    The numerological year has the vibration of 6 (2+0+2+2 = 6), the number of love and feelings. This is also the number of the heart's choices. Did you understand the importance of this reflection?

    If you want to be happy, start with your self-love. The relationship is an exchange, there must be reciprocity and harmony. How many relationships are destroyed because the couple simply gets carried away by emotions (self-deception), not seeing the real intention of each one? For example, one harboring the desire to get married while the other just wants to venture out.

    Quantum mechanics is clear in saying that for there to be a happy and lasting relationship there must be conversation, exchange of knowledge and reciprocal connection. If there is no such exchange, there is no reason to succeed, which generates frustrations.

    Let us return to numerological reflection. Who are you in love? What do you have to share with each other? What are your dreams and goals in relationship and in life? What are you willing to give in?

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    To help you even more, know that the month of June brings the vibration of joy and growth. What a joy it would be to live a great love and celebrate every moment next to the loved one, isn't it? As for singles, how good it is to celebrate one's life where everything flows positively to the point of attracting a nice person to join you, isn't it?

    So don't expect someone to make you happy, be your own happiness.

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