life has to go on

    Is there a right to hope?

    Today the day dawned cold and gray like my heart. Injured, he doesn't hit as hard. Weakened, he asks for help. Somebody help me, please! Life has to go on, after all, the pulse of the blood that continues to flow in the body warns that you can't stop. But how to continue believing? How to look at the world through rainbow glasses when all that's left needs to be rebuilt? From fall to fall, we gained experience so as not to fall again, but the scars remind us how painful the fall was and that we still need to be careful. Smiling is so difficult. The yellow laughter is contained here, due to the lack of will and confidence to look around and say… yes, I'm going to start over! I really need a miracle, to make hope sprout in me again. The hope of those afternoons with passing rains that only make noise. I need to learn to stumble without fear of falling. But what I most need and crave is the search for myself. To be able to breathe with all the air that enters my lungs and that cleanses me of all this evil. Free me from all lack of trust. May it invade my chest and remove from there every moldy corner that was left without having to stay. I need to know how to understand and live with the small frustrations of everyday life, as a friend told me the other day. I need to look outside of myself, put strength into what's really worth it and stop getting chains of hopelessness. It will pass, that's all I need to think about right now. Eternity is right there, just stretch your short arms and they become elastic. The smell of flowers, the heat of the sun, the wind in your hair, all this is promised, it will come, I know it will! Is life? The poet used to say… “it's beautiful, it's beautiful and it's beautiful!”.

    Palliative measures are needed at times. We need them to bear. Even though they are the last resort, they alleviate the pain and provide the necessary comfort for a minimum of dignity. It is difficult to understand the main antagonism, central theme of this article, life and death, death and life. A “lost” time that never comes back, life happening in quick flashes, our childhood and adolescence being “chipped” and nothing we do can change this reality. Despite the pandemic, it will not change. These beings have already come like this, “chiped from the Source”, and will live behind screens, in the certainty that they will be changing the current progression of facts. And they will be. But going back to palliative care, that's almost it, they live without pain, in a world apart, nothing can hit them but a virtual defeat. And they are not shaken by it either. On the contrary, they mount counterattack strategies until they find the opponent's weak point. Between dead and wounded, in the end everyone is saved. But palliative is almost that, explained in other words, it is a parallel world where pain is able to be alleviated. It's like asking:

    — Is there a right to hope?

    And if the answer is yes, a few doses of potent drugs can be ingested and taken to the body's mantra, so that, absorbed, they hallucinate and heal. Even if it's not the cure, it will make the end more colorful and no longer black and white. Looking around and hoping is the only one on a wish list that can never end. And see how interesting the description for palliative:

    life has to go on
    Aleksandr Ledogorov / Unsplash

    “The World Health Organization defines it as the complete and active treatment of patients whose diseases no longer respond to curative treatments; therefore, the main objective is to be able to control pain and other symptoms, as well as psychological, social and spiritual problems”.

    Source: Palliative Treatment

    And according to the same source:

    “There is a 16th century saying that sums up this idea: “Heal sometimes, relieve often, comfort always”.

    Trust and hope, these are my words for now! Have faith, the one capable of moving mountains!

    Since people have different religious beliefs, as well as spiritual needs, spiritual care is configured to meet the specific needs of each individual, this includes helping each one to find the meaning of finitude, allowing him to say goodbye or even accomplish something. religious ritual or ceremony. But who in the finitude of life, inside an ICU or confined to a domestic bed, would remember a rite or a farewell when all they wanted is to continue living, at least most of the time, I believe. But the creator's kindness is infinitely loving and before devouring another one of his children, He hugs him and welcomes him in his arms and the final prayer is only for help to the Father. From then on, the palliative comes into action in an almost irreversible way and only a miracle can change the course of things. So the hours go by and the return trip begins to happen. Oblivion fills every cell and makes organs fail, until finally the heart stops beating. It's time to go home. To be welcomed in the Father's arms, to become a child again and relearn. Palliative as the cure, our hope is born again and we believe that everything will now be different, more beautiful and true. That we will have improved and will be other beings. In other physical bodies, other families, other spiritualities and beliefs, we just have to keep believing.

    • Find out if faith really can move mountains
    • Delve deeper into the concept of palliative care
    • Get inspired to have more hope to achieve your goals
    • How to have faith and hope in difficult times?

    And the greatest Father, the creator and modeler of souls, follows the infinite production with the mercy of oblivion, so that on the return we can believe with hope in the cure that once ended!

    And all we have to say is “I believe, thank you, Father, for this more opportunity to get it right” and the cycle of life that has been broken begins again and again over the centuries.

    If palliative could be a more beautiful term, it would surely be hope.

    Let's keep going!

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