Letting go of what no longer serves us

All relationships have cycles and these need to be well observed, analyzed and recognized. It is ideal to think of them by making an analogy with a marriage, be it a work relationship, family relationship, friendship or even less formal love relationships like dating... They can work for years, but for this to happen there are necessary adjustments to be made by both parts...

Regardless of how long they last, the profiles involved, decisions made and/or inherent attitudes, they worked out for a certain period, however, when realizing that the feeling has changed, the "love" has ended or other variables made the relationship tiring, demotivating and/or non-productive, one must then, with the main objective of their mental/emotional health, ask for separation, divorce and move on with life so that, at the right time, another relationship with the desired profile appears...

It is necessary to let go of what is no longer part of our reality, our priorities, our goals, so that the new can enter our lives!

Letting go of what no longer serves us

It worked while it lasted, what was necessary for the learning of those involved happened.

Sometimes it's hard to accept, we get used to energy, to what makes us sick, just because we've lived certain patterns for some time and our brain has simply gotten used to it and induces us to stay there, repeating the same behavior... it's time to change that flow.

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Letting go is loving yourself! Don't insist on something that started to mistreat you, that doesn't add you! Accept the breakup, live your grief and go on your way! Set your heart free to start over with other actors elsewhere!

Knowing when to divorce from abusive relationships that drain our energy and don't value or drive us, whether at home with family, outside with friends, and not least, in the work environment, is knowing how to live!

Be wise, resilient and grateful for what you lived, grateful for what will come, what you will live!

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