Law of Attraction: What is it and how does it affect your life?

“Think positive to attract good things.” You must have heard this phrase a lot around, or even reproduced it to someone in order to make that person believe in the power of Attraction law, Is not it?

And of one thing you can be sure: it works. We prepared an article with great care bringing you everything about this powerful force and how to make the Universe answer you the way you want.

What is the Law of Attraction?

In general terms, the Law of Attraction is a force we have to co-create the reality we live in through thoughts, feelings and emotions. If our mind vibrates at the same intensity as our intention, we attract to us whatever is permeating our thoughts. In this way, we must think positive to attract on the same frequency.

This phenomenon has been around for a long time, but with the success of the book “The Secret”, people became more interested in the subject, starting to research more in search of achieving great achievements in their lives.

The book, authored by the Australian writer Rhonda Byrne, became a best seller, having even been adapted as a documentary. The premise of the work is that our thoughts are more than mere thoughts; they vibrate in such a way that they attract frequencies similar to them.

But the concept goes beyond that: for us to have good thoughts, we need to be endowed with good feelings too, because it is what we feel that will make us feel capable and deserving of everything we desire.

How does the Law of Attraction work?

Basically the Law of Attraction consists of directing our thoughts to what we want to have or accomplish. It takes being in a good vibration and having good feelings in mind for us to feel worthy.

This is not to say that everything we wish for will materialize. And it also doesn't mean that it's just mental and wait for it to happen. It is necessary to think positively, yes, but also to idealize our action in this sense – to imagine that we are capable of co-creating and realizing, and not just sitting around waiting for the miracle to come.

An example of this logic is when we are nervous about a situation, thinking that we will not be able to handle some challenge that is preoccupying our thoughts and preventing us from acting in a balanced way. If we focus only on the negative aspects, we tend to delve into this reality. But if we think positively and organize our feelings, the tendency is that we can resolve ourselves in an emotionally healthy way.

And the Law of Attraction can work in all aspects of our life - whether in the professional area, in love, in the family or even in self-knowledge. It is enough to understand that it is always operating in our lives, and we need to be aware of this.

But how to apply this law in everyday life? That's what we'll see next.

How to practice the Law of Attraction?

First of all, you need to be mentally and emotionally prepared to practice the Law of Attraction. It is not enough to ask the Universe and expect it to respond while we sit in inertia, waiting for things to adjust by themselves. No wonder we call this power co-creation, as we are also actors in the events of change in our lives.

Law of Attraction: What is it and how does it affect your life?
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An important step is to connect with yourself, understanding and accepting your feelings. It's worth observing everything you experience and externalize when you're happy. In the same way, it's also important to list what you don't like so much and then do a mental review on whether it's worth letting yourself be carried away by the flow of bad thoughts.

So you need to mentally put yourself where you want to be, close your eyes and imagine every detail of whatever happens. How your day will start, how you will behave to make things happen, focus on the goal and imagine it being accomplished. But, as we said before, it is not enough to imagine. Take action, following exactly the paths you envisioned. It's time to get out of idealization and go for the literal.

Law of Attraction Tips for Beginners

But calm down! If it seems kind of impossible for you to just imagine, avoiding falling into the traps of your own mind, start small. Establish small goals or short-to-medium-term actions – such as better organizing your routine, adopting a new lifestyle, among others.

Therefore, it is necessary to program the mind so that it learns to focus on what is positive. It can be a happy memory, a great achievement in your life, or overcoming a challenge. That way, your mind gets used to indexing the path to feeling good.

So start small, create small challenges and increase the complexity as you feel more confident and experienced.

Law of Attraction: What is it and how does it affect your life?
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How to ask in the Law of Attraction?

As we have already said, it is important not only to think, but also to take action. Also, follow a modus operandi that gets you used to thinking positively.

Here's a suggestion on how you can prepare to think, ask, and execute:

  1. Work your feelings: if you're feeling good, especially about yourself, you're more receptive to thinking good things and feeling worthy of those things.
  2. Focus on what you want, not what you don't want: our mind loves to betray us, so if you think about what you don't want, you will feel anger, frustration and sadness. And as the topic above says, feeling is everything.
  3. Be grateful: Gratitude is a magnet for good things. Be grateful for what you already have and what you will get. It's all connected.
  4. Visualize: visualize in your mind your achievement. For example, you want to change jobs, try to imagine the place where you want to work. But don't just focus on the physical environment. See yourself succeeding there.
  5. Talk positively: learn to make positive affirmations with others and with yourself. Think that you are capable, that you are prepared and willing to learn. Look at you more fondly.
  6. Meditate: meditation is essential. It brings us balance, puts our ideas in order, calms the mind and heart. It leaves the way clear for thoughts to flow in an orderly way.
  7. Go to action: a good suggestion, before going into action, is to create a diary in which you will write down everything you want to obtain – material and immaterial. The act of writing messes with our reasoning and our sensations. And reading what was written later, as a reminder, conditions us to follow the plan.

What You Shouldn't Ask for in the Law of Attraction

But be aware: we should not ask for everything in the Law of Attraction. Because? The answer is simple: everything in the Universe works like feedback – you do it, and what you did comes back to you. So, if you vibrate good energies, you obviously get good back. If you vibrate bad things, the Universe will return you in the same coin.

Law of Attraction: What is it and how does it affect your life?
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This implies a strong current of bad vibration flowing in the world. Not only do you suffer from it, but the energies spread and accumulate, creating a toxic atmosphere that, if fed often, can wreak irreversible havoc.

So, there are some things we shouldn't ask for:

  • Don't ask evil of any person: never ask something directly bad for someone or something good for you that could harm others.
  • Don't ask for a relationship with a specific person: people are not objects, and we don't own their feelings. This also has to do with free will, so our desires cannot involve the desires of others. Instead, ask for the chance to have an emotionally healthy relationship.
  • Don't keep asking, asking, asking... always thinking you don't have enough: as we said above, first of all we need to be grateful for what we already have.
  • Don't ask for what you DON'T want: we've already mentioned that too. When you focus on what you don't want, your thinking can betray you and end up attracting that very thing. Before ordering, train your mind.
  • Don't ask fate to tell you what to do: instead, ask for discernment, wisdom and serenity, so you will be prepared to make decisions more consciously.

Always use common sense, because we can ask for anything, but should we? Think about the consequences, the energy flows and what good you can add to the world.

Time to co-create!

Now that you have a mini-script on how to prepare yourself to be open to the Universe and to work with your emotions, thoughts and feelings, try to practice with simpler challenges and gradually increase the complexity of your goals. So you can go from simple changes to real life turns, always using the connection you have with the Universe and the strength of the Law of Attraction.

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But remember: the Universe gives you back what you give it. And the Law of Attraction is always active, it's in everything you do, even if you don't have any intention of accomplishing any goal. So always be that person who vibrates in kindness, justice and empathy. Being nice to others is also a way of attracting good things into your life.

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