Law of Attraction: We only attract what we feel

Law of Attraction: We only attract what we feel

I'm studying a lot about quantum physics and, invariably, about the law of attraction. When the movie and book came out a few years ago, I watched it over and over again and did many of the exercises. And yes, I saw that I had a lot of good results, which made me happy, but something was missing.

I am a Jungian therapist and I have also studied creative visualization. It was Jung who introduced the term, as a way for you to tune into your dreams and get into the manifestations of life earlier. But I discovered an element that I missed when I studied these things the first time: the dissonance between what we say and want and what we really feel.

It's simple, in a scene from the Law of Attraction documentary, Bob Proctor says that we really can't manifest everything we think, otherwise we would think of an elephant and it would sprout in the middle of the room. So, there is a time lag between our thoughts and reality. Nice. The film suggests that if you want a car, you need to feel inside the car. Feeling with all five senses – smelling the car, placing and feeling the steering wheel, for example. A friend and I used to go to the airport, “smell the airport” in order to travel. It always worked for her, and for me not so much. Because? It intrigued me.

And I found out why: we would both go and smell it. We imagined ourselves checking in and entering the VIP room (since it's for dreaming) and she felt great. Me too, but at the same time I remembered, what a time, in my body my fear of flying. Damn, I want this, I'm here vibrating it, but inside my unconscious there's the fear of flying, so… I could never get it and she even lived abroad.

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So we need to ask inside what we really feel about something. If you have anything against it - even if you have a valid rational argument - it's gone. I said that it was ok to travel, I was really scared, I would take a little medicine and leave. But inside me, my beliefs, that fear, don't let things manifest. So, it's not even a Law of Attraction, but how I can really vibrate something, without anything against it. Oh yes.

If you have a dream that doesn't manifest, think about why. What are you holding? Are you afraid, resistance? Without this, there is no repetition of affirmations that will do. The unconscious rules us and that is a Law.

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