Inducing Spiritual Evolution

Inducing spiritual evolution suggests that the human being enters a parallel world of no time and no space, but still infinite, in the "backstage" of existence, from where and where the subtle energy that permeates and influences all action flows. human, and which it is equally influenced by.

By itself, life is an inducer of evolution, since it is the process that the Universe uses to promote it. However, the effectiveness of this process depends on the level of consciousness of the being. Like a rocket, which consumes most of its fuel in the initial stage of launch into space, so too the evolutionary process is slow and painful in the lower stages, becoming light and comfortable, in later stages.

Inducing Spiritual Evolution

The programmed and conscious induction of the evolutionary process, however, only possible in its less primary stages, implies attitudes and attitudes towards life, oneself and humanity, which can become true accelerators of evolutionary achievement.

Respond positively to what life reserves for us

So it is with the response we give to life's experiences, whether they are pleasant or not. From the simplest events, such as burning a cake in the oven, as a distraction, to those that impose great suffering, such as the loss of a loved one, the nature of the reaction manifested will determine the extent of the benefit of the event to the evolutionary process. The term “resilience” defines the ability to take advantage of a negative event, for the benefit of the psychic and spiritual improvement of those who experienced it.

Watch the Senses – “Mindfulness”

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The evolutionary process is also induced by the habit of focusing attention on thoughts, sensations and feelings, without any censorship, evaluation or judgment. Observing or becoming aware of what happens in our mind and in our senses, as an external entity not involved or committed to what is happening in these psychic planes of our being, takes us to the portal of the spirit (“look at what my mind is thinking!”, “look at what my emotion is feeling!”). This posture separates the mind and emotions from the entity that observes them, your true Self.

The observation made of the mind, sensations and feelings is not to be confused with these observed beings of the human personality, because they are not used while only observing. Therefore, the origin of the observational capacity has to be at a level above the sensory and mental (psychic) ​​levels. The more independent of the senses and the mind the observation, the deeper the exploration of the subtle levels of the spirit.

develop intuition

Intuition is the tuning of the human mind with the Universal Mind, which is projected in man through the abstract mind, divine particle individualized in the human being. Only the mind unobstructed of low vibrational thoughts and emotions (hatred, jealousy, anger, hurt, fear, revenge, lassitude, lust…) has access to attunement with the higher vehicles of the spirit, such as the abstract mind.

Unclog the channels of access to the spirit

When the purification of the lower vehicles (physical, mental and emotional) manages to clear the channels of access of consciousness at the spirit level, even if for a limited time, the flow of Attributes of that level (Love, Will and Wisdom) flood the "walk of low”, (concrete mind and emotions) bringing to our consciousness: Universal Love, through sublimation; Knowledge/Wisdom, by intuition; and Power, by the Conscious Will.

Inducing Spiritual Evolution

The articulation with the various circumstances of life, in the roles of social, professional and family, made in tune with the higher vehicles through sublimation, intuition and conscious will, is a great inducer of the development of individual and collective conscience. .

Non-dogmatic spiritualist philosophies and subtle therapeutic practices can also be of great use in inducing the process of evolution.

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