Illuminated Road - Toxic people. Toxic environments.

I don't know if it has ever happened to any of the reader friends, to enter an environment that can be a home or public sector and feel like getting out of there as soon as possible? I also don't know if it has ever happened to you to get close to someone anywhere and feel bad, with aversion, nausea, dizziness and make you want to move away?

Well, currently, the maxim “toxic environment, or toxic contact” has been included as commonplace. Which means that that encounter was harmful or that entering a certain environment was not healthy.

Illuminated Road - Toxic people. Toxic environments.

This is common, because we live surrounded by the most varied energies, energies that hover in the air and are invisible to the naked eye, eventually reaching our perispiritual body, which is a copy of the material body. This action that ends up entering our psychosoma, will manifest itself in bad energy in our organism immediately, hence the uncomfortable feeling we feel, and when this happens we say that we are in a toxic environment or with a toxic person, which in short is nothing more than a environment with negative energies, heavy, or person who is in energetic negativity, mentally exhaling bad things.

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Note that for this to happen we don't need to say a word! This happens naturally, in a symbiosis connected only between the astral bodies!

We talk a lot about energetic halo, or mental halo. This means that the quality of our thoughts is the main vehicle for transmitting the “toxic”, if we have a low standard of attitudes at the moment. Therefore, we exhale everything that is contained in our mental field, even if we are verbally manifesting good things, because what counts is the thought.

The so-called toxic in the environment is a little different, as it is the energies that are contained in the place, in an expanded field and that is concentrated there due to the emanations of the most varied minds that inhabit or temporarily remained in the enclosure, whose residues remained.

But what to do to not be affected by this “toxic”? The ideal would be not to enter environments like this and not have contact with people of this nature, but that is impossible! So, when getting close to a person who has this emanation, we must ask spiritual benefactors for help to protect us and isolate us from that person's bad energies.

Illuminated Road - Toxic people. Toxic environments.

As for the environments that we are going to enter and that are suspicious, we must proceed as Master Jesus did as he said in Matthew 10: “And when you enter the house, greet it. If the house is worthy, may your peace rest upon it; if, however, it is not worthy, may peace return to you”.

What we should not ignore is that toxic environments and toxic people exist and that we are easy prey when we don't have the proper care and protection.

Good energies to all.

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