If you want to change the world, start by changing the small actions of your daily life.

We often come across impactful phrases about how to change the world, how to revolutionize against society's problems. We read countless bestselling books on how to make extraordinary change in our lives and thereby change society, business, family, and the thoughts of everyone around us to make the world a better place. Many people live this quest and even manage to make their private realities better.

However, to change the world, it takes a lot of effort, a lot of determination and courage, because the change must start within each one, as Leo Tolstoy said: “Everyone thinks about changing the world, but nobody thinks about changing himself”. When we change our way of thinking, speaking and acting for the better, and in order to make the world better, then change will happen, as Rumi said: “Yesterday, I was smart, so I wanted to change the world; today, I am wise, so I am changing myself.” The sage understands that, for a change to occur in the world, there must first be a change within oneself, because it is within the constant metamorphosis of our consciousness that the greatest revolutions and evolutions in the world occur and, by changing oneself, the world. will be changed, not all of it - in which people will be happy and all inequality will disappear - but the way of looking at the world. Thus, the way everyone looks at and understands the world will be modified, that is, the world will only change when everyone comes together to make it better.

However, there is a risk of what Che Guevara thought “let the world change you and you can change the world” occur. That is, the change that the world can cause in each person can occur in an uncontrolled way in which it can, yes, direct you to something better, but there is an imminent risk that the world will transform you into a worse person, and you will then change. the world for worse in more intensity.

However, it is interesting to think that change must begin within each person. “When the change starts in you, you have already started to change the world” (OSHO), because big changes start in small things; great marathons start with the first step; a great building starts with the first brick; a great person starts to change the world with small gestures of love and charity, and with a lot of willpower he transforms days, these transform months, that transform years, that transform lives and these transform the world for the better.

Changing the world starts with small day-to-day changes, which can be small gestures, thoughts and attitudes. The following are suggestions for small changes that can generate huge changes in the future (and of course will improve your life a lot).

• Smiling at people.

If you want to change the world, start by changing the small actions of your daily life.
Photo by Daniel Xavier not from Pexels

It is a very rare thing to find “nice” people in a world where everyone is busy and busy; when we meet people like that, our day changes and we are happier, that is, smiling at people can change their world.

• Claim less.

If you want to change the world, start by changing the small actions of your daily life.
Photo by Artem Beliaikin in Pexels

No one can stand being around low-spirited, or negative people, who make everything difficult and never see the positive side of things. In general, everyone turns away from people who only know how to complain. Also, complaining isn't going to make life any easier. So try to complain less and act more, instead of complaining about an adverse situation, try to extract the positivities from it and beat it.

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• Be polite, cordial.

If you want to change the world, start by changing the small actions of your daily life.
Photo by Giftpundits.com not Pexels

One of the things that most ruin our days is having contact with an “uneducated”, rude and stupid person. People like that affect us in a negative way and we try to have as little contact as possible.

• Not talking about others (gossip).

If you want to change the world, start by changing the small actions of your daily life.
Photo of de Ketut Subiyanto no Pexels

It is very common in our daily lives to comment on other people, to complain about an attitude, treatment methods, choices and even other people's options, but this practice does not contribute anything to anyone, it just delays the lives of those who provide this act. Whenever you think about talking about another person (usually it happens without their presence) first try to reflect if: what you are going to talk about is really important; will contribute to something in your life; it will improve your relationship with the particular person; or will improve the world.

• Don't care so much about what others think.

If you want to change the world, start by changing the small actions of your daily life.
Photo by Anna Shvets on Pexels

One of the biggest alienations we experience is being tied to the opinion of other people, and their opinion does not mean the truth itself. So live your life to please only one person: you.

These are some of the attitudes that, if practiced daily, can contribute to a better world, as it will make you better and, consequently, the world, since you are part of it and part of what is most important: Your World.

It's small practices like these that become big in the future. I wish you good luck and determination in your cycle of inner and later outer change.

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