How to sleep fast and improve sleep quality

Sleep Quality: We need to talk about this. Are you one of those people who, even when exhausted, lie down and can't fall asleep right away? Have you ever stopped to think if something has disturbed your body at bedtime? Sleep is not just a moment when we end the day and go to bed to prepare for the next day. It is an extremely fundamental process for biological functions.

It is during sleep that our body works to restore the balance of the immune, neurological and endocrine systems and several other functions that keep our body functioning properly.

In this article, we will address the importance of a good night's sleep and what are the consequences of sleep deprivation or inadequacy. We also selected a foolproof technique on how to sleep fast and thus keep your health balanced.

How to sleep fast and improve sleep quality
Image of Pezibear by Pixabay

What can sleep deprivation cause?

While we sleep, our body produces leptin, a hormone responsible for feeling full. There is also burning of calories while we sleep. Those who can't sleep well may feel hungrier, in addition to reducing this calorie burn - adding one thing to another, the result is a greater susceptibility to obesity.

If you don't sleep well, your body will become more resistant to insulin, which can be harmful for people with diabetes. A survey carried out by Northwestern University (USA) revealed that 80% of diabetic patients who had their sleep monitored had difficulty sleeping.

Fatigue from accumulated lack of sleep also messes with mood, increasing stress and blood pressure (which can cause hypertension in the medium term). And even people who are not predisposed to this disease can be affected by insomnia, according to research carried out by the University of Montreal (Canada).

Sleep deprivation also affects memory capacity, since during this period the production of proteins responsible for neural connections, vital for learning and memory maintenance, occurs.

As if all the effects on our body weren't enough, the lack of sleep - or poor quality sleep - still messes up our whole psychological. Chinese and British researchers published a study in "JAMA Psychiatry" in which they found a neural link between depression and sleep problems.

Another study, carried out by the Cleveland Clinic Sleep Disorders Center (USA), states that those who sleep less than they need are more likely to develop depression. In other words, depression can cause sleep disorders, and vice versa.

How to sleep fast and improve sleep quality
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essential measures

Sleep deprivation can affect our body in a generalized way, so it is essential to take care of health and try to sleep the proper amount of hours, and with the right quality. Here are some tips to get to sleep fast and have a satisfying sleep.

How to sleep fast – preparing body and environment

First, prepare your body for sleep. Avoid agitation, arguments (usually we go to sleep brooding over everything, and this gets in the way of getting to sleep), don't bring work to the bedroom. For those who already have problems with caffeine, it is good to avoid drinking coffee – or any other beverage with this substance – a few hours before bed.

Make your room cooler, as heat is more uncomfortable. Do not bring any electronics to bed. If you need to activate an alarm clock, program your cell phone, leaving it out of reach. The ideal would be to use an old alarm clock (clock or radio).

Keep your bed tidy, clean and comfortable. The organized look also provides calm (and nothing more annoying than bumping into the clutter while trying to sleep). A comfortable pillow is also a big help – choose one that suits your posture, that doesn't strain your neck and spine.

Try to relax (no heavy exercises before bed). A breathing technique, a good stretch, and a foot massage go a long way in relaxing. There are even body moisturizers with aromatic actives that have relaxing properties.

Teas are a great option to soothe before bed. Try the chamomile, fennel and lemon balm ones. Sweeten with honey and drink warm.

All these features ensure a good night's sleep, as well as helping you sleep faster, especially if you use them every day, making it a habit.

How to sleep fast and improve sleep quality
Image of alexramos10 by Pixabay

How to sleep fast: controlling your breathing

The following technique is especially helpful for those who are stressed, anxious or unable to relax for whatever reason. It may be that at first you still feel difficult to put it into practice, but over time you will adapt and get to know your body better.

4-7-8 Technique

Ideal for those who are under stress and cannot concentrate to sleep. With this breathing technique, you regulate the mind, relax the body and calm the mind.

How to sleep fast and improve sleep quality
Image from PublicDomainPictures by Pixabay

When lying down, do the following steps:

– Breathe through your nose, mentally counting 4 seconds;
– Hold your breath for 7 seconds;
– Exhale through your mouth for 8 seconds.

This step by step must be done 4 times, which correspond to 1 cycle. To complete the process, 4 cycles are required. Relax your muscles between each cycle and breathe deeply (using your diaphragm and stretching your abdomen). Keep repeating the process until you fall asleep.

Measures that help

In addition to preparing body, mind and environment for sleep and using techniques on how to sleep fast, some measures can help and improve your quality of life as a whole.


We've already talked about relaxing teas, which are a great option for before bed. But did you know that there are foods that help a lot in this process? And there are also those who get in the way.

How to sleep fast and improve sleep quality
Image of Stephanie Pratt by Pixabay

Sleep friendly substances


Foods such as bananas, milk, oatmeal, white cheese, honey, some oilseeds and tomatoes help to promote the production of melatonin – a hormone that, in addition to regulating sleep, has neuroprotective and anti-inflammatory antioxidant properties. They also help to produce serotonin – a neurotransmitter that establishes communication between nerve cells, contributing to feelings of well-being and happiness.


Eat more garlic, nuts, almonds, beans, brown rice, salmon, spinach and bananas (plus one point for this fruit!). These foods can help lower the levels of cortisol (the stress hormone) in the body. They are also able to increase Gaba – a neurotransmitter that promotes relaxation and sleep.

Omega 3

Start consuming more olive oil, linseed, sardines, chia, tuna and walnuts. Omega 3 helps protect cardiovascular and brain health, as well as being essential for the production of serotonin.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D helps increase the absorption of calcium and phosphorus in the body, as well as preventing diseases such as obesity, diabetes, hypertension and multiple sclerosis and strengthening

the immune system. It is also another essential nutrient in the production of serotonin. Foods rich in this vitamin: cod liver oil, salmon, milk, eggs, meat, sardines and butter. It is also important to sunbathe to activate the production of this vitamin in the skin.


Include milk and plain yogurt in your diet for your daily dose of calcium. The lack of this mineral may be related to insomnia, as it is another nutrient that guarantees the production of serotonin. Try drinking a glass of warm milk (you can sweeten it with honey) before bed.

sleeping villains

If you have trouble sleeping, avoid foods and drinks that stimulate the central nervous system. Eliminate from your menu, after 16 pm: coffee, energy drinks, soda, ginger, pepper, açaí, chocolate, green tea, black tea and mate tea.

To avoid gastric discomfort at night, it is also good to avoid heavy foods, fried foods, a lot of fat, sugar and large amounts of food.

How to sleep fast and improve sleep quality
Image of Robert Jones by Pixabay

Other good measures that help improve sleep quality include:

– Have a sleep routine so that the body gets used to it and schedules itself to sleep at a certain time;
– Do physical exercises (heavier ones should be avoided close to bedtime);
– Do relaxation and meditation;
– Practice yoga;
– Reading good books (reading, for some people, helps them relax at bedtime);
– Always wake up at the same time (avoiding those extra β€œfive minutes” to get up);
– Do acupuncture;
– Listen to relaxing music;
– Avoid reading, watching or listening to unpleasant news close to bedtime (no misfortune. Life is difficult, yes. But it's no use getting stuffed up with catastrophe news, it only hurts).

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If these measures still don't solve the problem, it's time to look for a medical specialist, who can prescribe some medication and therapy, if necessary. Remembering: never self-medicate, don't even think that the medicine will solve your life. Medications for this purpose tend to cause dependence and important side effects, in addition to not being measures to be adopted for a long time. Take care of your emotions, take care of your psychological health, take care of your self.

Now that you have good tips on how to get to sleep fast, why not start putting them into practice? In addition to a good night's sleep, you will have a much better and more quality life. Take care of yourself!

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