How to overcome the fear of public speaking in 6 steps

When you say you're afraid of public speaking, what are you really afraid of? Have you ever thought about it?! It would be fear of non-approval, of people being judged, of their image being despised by their listeners, of paying mico. What, after all?

What was the situation that generated this blockage? Was it a context of childhood, adolescence or was it something more recent? What situation happened in the past that caused you to block and whose reaction you repeat in the present?

First of all, to seek control over emotions and overcome the fear of public speaking, it is necessary to understand how the brain works.

How to overcome the fear of public speaking in 6 steps

Let's say in a very simplistic way that the brain has three layers. The first is the so-called reptilian brain, which works with our instincts. The second contains the limbic system, which manages our emotions. And the third concerns our rational part.

What happens is that everything we register in our mind is always linked to some emotion. The information before reaching the rational layer reaches the emotional part. That's why our emotions rule our life. Everything we do and decide is governed by our emotions.

So our fear of public speaking certainly stems from the (not always clear) memory of a situation in which we were not successful. And this is registered in our subconscious as a negative emotion.

That is, every situation similar to the one that is stored in the subconscious will generate the same type of emotional reaction. When we express fear at the possibility of speaking to many people, it is our emotional system that is commanding everything and telling us: “don't do it, it's dangerous. You will be as bad as ever.”

To protect us, the brain releases adrenaline, generating the physiology of resistance or escape. The legs shake, the hands get sweaty, there is inhibition of the vocal cords.

How to overcome the fear of public speaking in 6 steps

About we mentally create the image that public speaking is always a tense situation, because the subconscious interprets that you are in danger.

But the great thing about it all is that the mind is flexible, it can be changed. Public speaking anxiety can be controlled. How, then, to overcome fear or at least to manage it? Taking action and giving new content to your mind.

To generate new commands for your mind, follow the steps below and be a new person. Come on, stop whining and start acting:

Develop an overwhelming desire to overcome fear. Without this, no change will be promoted. Arouse enthusiasm to dedicate yourself to the activity of public speaking. Focus on the benefits it will bring you. Think “what does the ability to speak with more conviction mean to me?”, “what motivates me to promote change?”, “why is this important to me?”

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Promote self-knowledge. Much of the insecurity you have comes from not knowing yourself as a speaker. First identify what image you have of yourself as a speaker. Then give yourself a presentation and make a video. Know what your voice is like, your body and facial expression, how you move, etc. Evaluate yourself and define what you want to change.

Change the “focus/physiology/language” triad.

O focus is linked to your self-image. If it's negative, you need to see yourself positively as a speaker. The focus should be on what you want to be and not on what you no longer want to be. Feel like the real messenger of something. Feel as if only you can get the message across to the audience, no one else.

develop the courage to face the audience and act as if you already have the attributes of a great speaker. It is important that you FEEL and not just think it.

How to overcome the fear of public speaking in 6 steps

Physiology is how the body reacts. If the feeling changes, the body's reaction also changes. The body should be straight, shoulders up, head up, look determined. The body must demonstrate self-confidence.

Language is what you think and say about yourself. Remember that the subconscious obeys the command given correctly. If you think you're a failure in terms of public speaking, your mind will follow suit. You have to tell your mind that you are a success, that you know how to communicate safely, etc.

Master the content. Knowing exactly what you are going to say and what sequence makes all the difference. Believe in your knowledge and speak as if you were determined to speak. In this case, studying a lot helps to have security. If you're going to speak for 20 minutes, have content for an hour; if you're going to talk for an hour, have content for three hours.

Practice incessantly. Talking is the only way not to fail. So you have to practice, practice, practice. Whenever you have the opportunity, speak in public, whether at a work meeting, in a group of friends, in the family. Public speaking is a skill that must be constantly developed.

Control your inner critic. Motivate yourself when talking. Become willing to enjoy the presentation you are about to give. Be your main supporter, no criticizing yourself. Self-judgment during the presentation is destructive. When speaking, don't try to correct flaws with techniques; If you're going to train, train first. Always validate what you say.

Follow these 6 steps and marvel at the result you will achieve!

Be a Master Speaker!

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