How to Connect with Mother Earth Through Your Birth Day Numerology

    Did you know that planet Earth is part of one of our spirit abodes? We have 5 houses: the planet, the house, the body, the mind and the soul.

    In this article, I want to encourage you to be aware of taking good care of your home – planet Earth. And for that, I will bring suggestions on how to do this through the vibration of your birth day, through Numerology. The more aware of your virtues (who you are in soul and spirit), the more you will take care of your external world.

    Shall we go to the tips?

    Day of birth 1st, 10th, 19th and 28th

    You are an attitude person, so take the initiative to bring new ideas to integrate nature into your life and environments. If possible, bring this awareness to your family and community.

    Day of birth 2, 11, 20 and 29

    You are an intuitive person. Be in more contact with nature to recycle your energies, and consequently you will recycle the energies of places and people where you go.

    Day of birth 3, 12, 21 and 30

    How to Connect with Mother Earth Through Your Birth Day Numerology
    Bruno Adam / Unsplash

    You are a joyful person at heart. Create your own flower bed or garden and lavish that joy on everything in your life.

    Day of birth 4, 13, 22, 31

    You are the hardworking person, who does not measure efforts to order his own life. The Earth element is present in your life essence, so be in contact with the earth itself: plant, harvest and plow the earth.

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    Day of birth 5, 14 and 23

    You are a dynamic person, you love to change things. So, when you feel like you need to change things both in your life and in the environments, give your suggestion: build new scenarios and environments with the elements of nature.

    Day of birth 6, 15 and 24

    You are a person who has an incredible aesthetic sense! How about beautifying your life, your environments with lots of flowers? Also, bring that beauty of nature to the people you love.

    Day of birth 07, 16 and 25

    How to Connect with Mother Earth Through Your Birth Day Numerology
    Marcos Paulo Prado / Unsplash

    You are a spiritual person. You have the ability to see people's souls and feel the environments. So, how about using the power of nature in the metaphysical and energetic sense of crystals, flowers, fruits and herbs?

    Day of birth 8, 17 and 26

    You are a more rational person. Being in touch with nature will bring balance between your reasons and emotions, making your life lighter.

    Day of birth 9, 18 and 27

    You are the healer, the person who studies deeply to help and assist others. Study the sciences of nature, so that you can pass on your wisdom to others.

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