How to clear negative energy

To talk about energetic cleansing, we first need to be aware of how energies flow from and to us. It is necessary to know that we have, in addition to the physical body, an energetic body (the sum of the emotional, mental and spiritual bodies). This energy body works as a kind of antenna that emanates and receives energies at all times. Understanding this principle, now let's understand why energy cleansing can be good for you.

Some more sensitive people can see this energy field around people and call it "aura". What happens in the aura is that everything you think and feel is vibrating there. So if you have good thoughts and feelings, you will have an aura vibrating with good energy. But if you have harmful thoughts and feelings, such as anger, anguish, and fear, constantly vibrating, your aura energy will become impregnated with vibrations that are not healthy for you.

Have you ever noticed how you can feel a vibration that bothers you sometimes just by getting close to a person? This is because you feel her aura. In this way, the energies can also be impregnated in the environments. In peaceful places frequented by loving people, it is natural for the energy in the environment to be pleasant and light. In environments where there are many arguments and disagreements, energy can harm those who stay there for a long time.

Knowing this, now let's talk about some ways to clean the harmful energies that are vibrating around you and also in environments. Here are some simple ways to cleanse your energy:


How to clear negative energyHerbs have great energetic power and using them for cleansing and energizing is great. As we don't always have fresh herbs available, the use of incense can be a good alternative for cleaning. Choose an incense, preferably made with herbs, and, as you light it, mentalize what you want and say your intention. For example: “Cleanse and energize my energies and the energies of this environment”. Then, pass the incense through your body, always with your mind focused on your goal, which is cleansing and energizing. Then choose a spot to let the incense burn to the end. You can also say a prayer to connect with spiritual energies according to your belief.


How to clear negative energyIf you have access to fresh herbs, one of the best for cleansing and energizing is rue. You can take a branch with rue branches and pass through your body and the environment you want to clean/energize, always thinking that you are cleaning and energizing with this act. On your body, pass the branch from top to bottom and especially in the navel region. After you're done, throw the branch in the dirt or organic waste.

Coarse salt

How to clear negative energyCoarse salt has the power to absorb excess energy. To make it easier to use, you can dissolve two tablespoons of coarse salt in a liter of water and use this water for a bath. Throw away the water, never reuse something natural that was used for energy cleaning. If you are close to the coast, a swim in the sea has the same effect as this method.

We must always remember that these energy cleansing methods deal with the consequences, not the causes, of energies that can be harmful. If you are constantly feeling low, low, and lacking in energy, you should seek to address the cause of the problem. In these cases, make sure you are not having harmful thoughts or feelings too often. Try to change your thoughts and feelings and your energy pattern will also change. And if the problem persists, don't be afraid to ask for help and look for places or people who work with spirituality to help you.

  • Text written by Ricardo Sturk from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team.
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