How to be the best in the world at something

Since childhood, we are surrounded by dreams and that feeling of wanting to be “the best” at something. As we grow up, most of us find ourselves taking different paths, putting some dreams aside, but the desire to achieve excellence in something remains.

So how can we all have our place in the world? How can we be the best somehow?

It would be wrong to say that there is a secret formula to becoming the best in the world, but you can still be someone's best in the world, what do you think?

Our life experiences are different, not everyone wants to be a singer or an actor, some people just want to be the best mothers, the best doctors, the best bakers and so on. If we dedicate ourselves to being good at whatever it is, we can really make a difference in someone's life.

How to be the best in the world at something
Andrea Piacquadio's photo at Pexels

Starting with ourselves. Are you the best for yourself? Take care of yourself with excellence? How is your health? Your financial organization? And your spirit, how have you treated it? If you really want to be the best, remember to start with yourself, because it's impossible to save the world without saving yourself first.

Now look around you: how can you be a better child? A better mother or father? A boyfriend, wife, uncle or cousin, how can you be better for your family? And your friends, how can you be better for them?

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I'm not saying you need to be perfect for anyone, but rather strive to be a better person in your neighbor's life, listening carefully to what they say, giving the best advice you can, comforting when necessary. After all, we are often masters, even if unintentionally, in wanting our problem to be bigger than the other's, putting your neighbor lower than he already is, and thus we become the best at making the situation worse. other.

There are those who think that to have made life worthwhile it is necessary to conquer great levels, but just imagine: if you make yourself evolve, you have already done a lot, if you help your neighbor it will be an even greater step, if you able to help the community you live in, damn you are the best in the world.

How to be the best in the world at something
Andrea Piacquadio's photo at Pexels

Want to be the best? Start with the small steps, doing your best, without judging yourself, learning from your mistakes, forgiving yourself and others.

Moving forward, one day at a time, step by step, we will become great, we will be the best in the world, even if it's just one person's world.

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