How to be successful in your career and in life

In addition to being successful as an author, Dr. David Hawkins has also been successful in other areas:

He owned one of the largest psychiatric clinics in the world, based in New York. Thousands of patients traveled to the clinic every year to be seen by him;

World reference in the cure of addictions, ranging from alcoholism to medicines;

Pioneer in Molecular Psychiatrist, publishing a book co-authored with his colleague Linus Pauling, Nobel Prize-winning chemist;

How to be successful in your career and in life
Photo by Doran Erickson on Unsplash

Also a pioneer in the study of human levels of consciousness, his PhD thesis gave rise to the Map of Consciousness, which integrates spirituality and science, the result of more than 20 years of research, involving millions of calibrations;

He discovered the technique of calibrating consciousness through kinesiology;

Orthomolecular Medicine Hall of Fame;

Several media appearances, especially the Oprah Show;

Among numerous other titles, awards and honors.

Despite his enviable resume, Dr. Hawkins saw success as a state of being, something that comes from the heart. An attitude we live every day and not a goal we fight for.

Check out now 3 main recommendations on how to be successful from the book “Success is for you”, by Dr. David Hawkins:

1. Investigate your motivation behind the actions

How to be successful in your career and in life
Photo by Kristopher Roller according to Unsplash

The same action or strategy can be used with different motivations. And, contrary to what it may seem, this totally affects the results.

In practice, this investigation can be done by looking at our emotions. Imagine that you decide to use digital marketing to communicate with your customers or to promote your work. If you're doing this simply out of fear that you might lose market if you don't (fear), or to copy your competitors (envy), your results will be disastrous. On the other hand, learning marketing skills represents the courage to reinvent yourself (humility and courage) and the willingness to serve the public (contribution and willingness), and you will achieve much more success.

When you use a certain tactic or strategy in a venture, it is always recommended to analyze your initial motivation. Are you taking a set of actions because you are afraid or motivated by courage? Out of envy or with the intention of serving and contributing? With guilt for not having started earlier or with love for developing in your profession?

In short, why we do something is more important than how we do it or what we do. If the intentions of our actions are aligned with universal principles and the heart, we will be successful. We can therefore analyze whether we are starting from an intention of kindness, contribution, love, servitude, courage or gratitude. Any of these principles can be used as motivation for our projects and endeavors.

2. See if the activity is sustainable in the long term

How to be successful in your career and in life
Andrea Piacquadio's photo at Pexels

When we think about achieving success, we often look for a magic formula or try to find an activity that brings a quick return. The problem with this is that success is much more about continuity and persistence than luck. Therefore, it is essential that our activities are sustainable in the long term and are able to contribute to society on a consistent and recurring basis. Only then will we be successful.

Based on this observation, Dr. David Hawkins points out something that may even seem outdated, but which is essential to generate continuity: we should do what we like. Only when we work with what we really like to do are we able to persist in the face of adversity, deliver our best and exceed the public's expectations.

Therefore, it is important to ask ourselves: what do I like to do in my free time? Is my work connected to my passions or is it something disconnected from what I really enjoy doing? After reflecting, put your energy into what excites you.

3. Think of others

How to be successful in your career and in life
Photo by ATC Comm Photo by Pexels

In the previous topic, we saw that it is crucial to work with what we really like to do. Without it, we'll spend our whole lives trying to figure out how to be successful, but never getting there.

However, personal passion must be balanced with a willingness to serve people and society. We must find out if the project, service or product we are thinking of offering is really necessary for someone. After all, success is never solitary: it is born of contribution.

So ask yourself: is the activity I want to do or the product I want to offer really useful to the world? It's not about giving charity or wanting to become a savior, but about offering solutions that meet human needs.

These human needs can be:

Physical, such as food, housing, heating, security and protection;

Emotional, such as attention, human contact, affection and good service;

Mental, such as information, methodology, tools and knowledge;

Spiritual, such as purpose, hope, clarity and faith.

If we have a genuine motivation, if we do something that we really enjoy and that is useful to people, our chances of achieving success and sustaining it in the long term will be much greater.

Discover the book “Success is for you”

If this content made sense, I invite you to know the book on which the article was based. In “Success Is For You”, new readers will find the perfect introduction to an amazing teacher and thought process expert, providing deep insights and real-life examples to help anyone focus on – and consequently achieve – what they want.

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This fascinating book reveals:

The causality formula for success (and deconstruction of so-called failure);

How goodwill can turn into profit;

Nine rigorous steps to determine our way of being;

How to “get to the top” (and why destiny is our starting point).

However, its scope goes far beyond a mere instruction manual. as Dr. Hawkins says, “Having facts and know-how does not guarantee success. There are other factors involved. It’s those other secret factors that we’re going to explore.” The secret factors – the heart-centered power principles behind success – are decoded in the book, delivering an eternal message of possibility for all of us.

Click here to purchase “Success is for you” and have a great read!

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