How to balance the chakras using positive affirmations

Chakras are centers of energy absorption, transformation and transmission. In Sanskrit, the word means β€œwheel”, as many declare that they can be visualized in this form, in continuous circulatory movement over the body. This movement causes the surrounding energy to be drawn inward.

Os chakras are studied by different religions, spiritual schools and researchers in the spiritual area and there is some consensus about their functions, forms and functioning among those involved. Ancient writings mention 88 chakras and this means that, in the human body, there is almost no point that does not receive, transform and transmit energy.

How to balance the chakras using positive affirmations

Most chakras are very small. Although there are seven major chakras and each one connects to the energetic channel known as β€œSushumna”, which ascends through the interior of the vertebral column to the head. These chakras are decisive for the functioning of the fundamental regions of the body, mind and soul.

By absorbing the energies circulating through the environment, the chakras absorb information and can transmit it outwards, altering the atmosphere around them. In this way, if we are balanced, we can emit vibrations of healing, love, peace, etc. Unfortunately, if there is imbalance in the chakras, we will transmit disharmonious vibrations.

There are many ways to cleanse and rebalance the chakras, using different techniques. An interesting way is the use of positive affirmations during meditation.

Positive affirmations are simple but powerful phrases as they can reprogram the mind, raising your personal vibration. With frequent repetition, negative thoughts and limiting beliefs can be replaced by healthier ones.

The important thing is to be really willing to modify and transmute negative habits in your life. When using a positive phrase, remember that it must be in tune with your highest purpose, you must be aware that there will be a real transformation in your way of living and in your beliefs. Abandoning what no longer serves is a great challenge to our complacency and our lack of courage. If you don't have commitment and seriousness, it is useless to repeat any positive affirmation.

How to balance the chakras using positive affirmations

Try to always practice at the same time, when it's comfortable and you're sure you won't be interrupted. At least five minutes a day will bring benefits. Be consistent, don't be carried away by laziness!

Just be in a comfortable position, eyes closed, and choose a phrase best suited to your current condition. Try to pronounce each sentence with feeling, believing that it is real. One suggestion is to use one phrase a week and work with one chakra at a time. Each chakra, as it commands an aspect and a region of the body, will have a more appropriate phrase, as we will see below:

Basic Chakra – It represents our physical will to be. It gives us security and the feeling of abundance (if balanced) or anxiety (if blocked). Phrases:

How to balance the chakras using positive affirmations
– I am safe;
– I am rich;
– I have abundance in my life;
– I have everything I need;
– I am balanced;
- I'm strong.

Umbilical (or sacral) chakra – It represents the creative reproduction of being. Balanced, it allows us to express our feelings fluidly. With excess energy, it leaves us without emotional control. Without energy, it makes us insensitive and emotionally distant. Phrases:

How to balance the chakras using positive affirmations
- I am happy;
- I am special;
– I am in control;
– I'm inspired.

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Solar Plexus Chakra – It represents the physical constitution of the being. It is the source of confidence, self-esteem and energy, it helps us to achieve our goals. Phrases:

How to balance the chakras using positive affirmations
– I am confident;
– I can conquer anything;
– I have a purpose;
- I am capable;
- I do.

heart chakra – It represents the abnegation of being. It is the energy of love, in its high vibration, for ourselves, for others and for the world. Phrases:

How to balance the chakras using positive affirmations
- I love;
– I am loved;
- I forgive;
– I am compassionate;
– I accept myself;
– I accept others.

laryngeal chakra – It represents the expression of being. Allows you to speak and experience the truth. Phrases:

How to balance the chakras using positive affirmations– My voice is important;
– My voice is powerful;
– My voice is clear;
– I speak with love;
β€” I speak kindly;
- I express myself.

Front (or third eye) chakra – It represents self-knowledge. It is the seat of our higher powers, such as telepathy and clairvoyance, for example. Phrases:

How to balance the chakras using positive affirmations
– I see clearly;
– I think clearly;
– I trust my decisions;
– I trust my abilities;
– I create my reality.

crown chakra – It represents the pure, elevated being. It is our connection to the divine source of energy. Phrases:

How to balance the chakras using positive affirmations
- I am;
- I trust;
- I understand;
– I am at peace;
– I am enlightened;
- I'm the light;
– I am divine.

Chakras –;
β€œChakas – Mandalas Of Vitality And Power” – Shalila Sharamon and Bodo J. Baginski – Thought Publisher.
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