Have we reached the era of the Jetsons?

In my childhood, in the 1980s, it was common to watch this cartoon, from the 1960s, “mega” modern space cars and interfaces, the Hanna-Barbera Jetsons. Recently, they publicized on social networks the total similarity of the quarantine to the daily life of this family composed of George Jetson, who worked at home office; wife Jane, who practiced physical exercise; the boy Elroy, who was assisted by a doctor via online; and teenager Judy, who was talking to her friends at Orbit High School through a camera. Of course, there are its differences with Orbit City, however, ironically, living in a "Space Age", which seemed to be fun, has been a great challenge for the world.

Isolating yourself can be challenging, first because we have to live longer with one or more people who also have their own schedule and who necessarily have to share a good part of their time with us; second, that we often live alone and have to deal with our own company, which is even more complicated if we become more self-critical.

Have we reached the era of the Jetsons?
Pexels/Polina Zimmerman

No one is antisocial as projected

Human beings are used to living in society, either because at night it is the famous “rice” at parties, or because they are more introverted and like to go out in the mornings to practice some outdoor activity, or because they have contact with their environment. and consequently with their colleagues and public.

We all have families, contacts or at least one friend… and the fact that we can't interact physically is something strong for Latin American culture. It's part of our customs: kissing all the time, hugging, feeling... And, as if that weren't enough, the invisible war in which we are ravaged, the internet, which should be a means of entertainment, has been bombarded by negative and alarming news, political outbursts, confessions of hatred, sadness and indignation. It is obvious that it is a means of communication in which people have the right to express themselves, however, many people are sensitive and this generates misunderstandings, verbal aggression, conflicting friendships, etc. Therefore, we must work on our patience every day and know how to select certain applications and networks to our benefit.

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There is also the famous phrase: “Whoever is inside wants to get out and whoever is outside wants to get in.” Those who are at home, and have the privilege of working from home, complain about their working condition (working more hours than expected), and those who need to go out to work also complain about the health risks that plague them.

Stay at home

If you're in the group that might be at home: It's obvious that everyone has a different reaction. There are people who do not feel like doing anything, remain or become sedentary, and stay all day on their couch or bed enjoying all the benefits of TV and refrigerator; there are others who, even having the opportunity to work from home, get so depressed that they try to talk all the time with one or several people in their cycle, either via WhatsApp or Skype, so as not to freak out; there are also hyperactive women who see “plenty of” time as an opportunity. They try to take one or more online courses, exercise, read books they had bought — and that for some reason were gathering dust on the shelf because they never had that precious time to browse through them — then they use and abuse YouTube. looking to learn leisure activities that perhaps had never crossed their minds such as: learning to play a musical instrument, following YouTubers who teach the art of carpentry, sewing, cooking, in short, they try to do a multitude of things that can be very useful or even exhausting (I went through this and got very tired), because the time that should have been used ended up being overloaded. I no longer knew what time to wake up or go to sleep. Not forgetting those who have Pets at home or children who are still small or pre-teens, in addition to that dependent family member - whether they are autistic or in need of some specific care in which dedication must be redoubled and fatigue also greater for such an effort.

Be alright

So, regardless of your condition, try to manage your time. I know that it is difficult for us to monitor ourselves all the time, and especially that of our family or partner, but it is important to maintain a good diet, practice some sport, read something that makes us feel good, that adds something positive. in us, try to do family activities (like the old and famous board games so popular in the 1980s or 1990s), who has never played mime or UNO? Or if you are alone, why not invite by video call for a coffee and have a relaxed chat with someone special or a group of close friends?!

Remember that venting is good, but becoming grumpy is something else. Nobody likes someone on the side or via online who is criticizing all the time. Think about it! Have empathy with others. Remember that they are going through the same difficult time as you, regardless of their situation, some have even lost someone close or are even worried about being geographically far from their loved ones. So, let's enjoy and make possible all alternatives of healthy interactions.

Before and after quarantine: it's time to reinvent yourself!

Have we reached the era of the Jetsons?
Pexels/Polina Zimmerman

Don't demand too much of yourself: if you planned something before the quarantine, and you couldn't fulfill it, think that it's a storm that will pass, don't be frustrated by the plans that were stagnant, take advantage of this period to reformulate about your projects futures. It's time to transmute. A caterpillar takes a certain period to metamorphose and be reborn into a beautiful butterfly; a pregnant woman takes months to wait for her great love and, even though she is anxious, she knows that it is important to wait for the fetus to develop well; the dream house takes years to buy or build; a ripe fruit is much tastier than tasted before harvest, it can still be green and acidic.

It's time to reflect on the flavors and unpleasantness that cause life's unpleasantness, to renew yourself, to learn to forgive not only others, but yourself. After the quarantine, nothing is lost; and what was not meant to be, will not be… think it will be better! Reinventing yourself is our keyword today.

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