Hatha Yoga: What is it for?

    Yoga has the power to give new life to those who practice it. In addition to proposing a very healthy life, the Hatha Yoga lifestyle leads to a long existence, which values ​​harmony with the environment and society.

    A new, healthy and flexible body is acquired through physical activity, which also leads to a longer and better quality life. In addition, the practice of Hatha Yoga leads to a relaxation of the mind, leading us to be able to observe the world better, with objectivity. Another positive point is the fairer view in all life situations.

    Hatha Yoga: What is it for?

    Meditation leads to a more centered and thus freer mind that makes the right choices in every moment. Combining all this with self-study constitutes the hammer capable of destroying ignorance, allowing us to answer life's questions, such as: “Who am I?” or “What am I doing in this life?”.

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