Gratitude: A New Perspective on Life

Gratitude, gratitude. Not just a mere word, but something with a lot of depth. It seems to be easy to talk about, complicated is to genuinely feel that feeling.

It is very easy to complain, to regret that something is not good, because that is what attracts our attention, unlike things that are good. Want proof of this?

Once, Márcia Luz, a writer, talked about gratitude in one of her lectures. A challenge was proposed in which she would have to put on a bracelet to count how many times a day we complained. The aim was to police us about complaints, changing the bracelet from one arm to the other with each complaint.

Gratitude: A New Perspective on Life

I accepted this challenge, simply out of curiosity. I in my innocence thought I had gotten rid of this bad habit by being so wrapped up in learning about spirituality, but I didn't. Needless to say, I had to pass the bracelet through my arms several times, I was even shocked! How much the complaint is so present in our life, nothing is ever good, we are never satisfied, we always find more reasons to complain than to be grateful, and if we put it on the scale, we complain too much and thank you less, when in fact we have more reasons to be grateful.

It's so common to see people vibrate, celebrate suffering, as if it's something to celebrate, something good, competition for the bottom, who gets to sink the most in tragedies. It's because? Who has never heard “Easy things come easy”, that in life we ​​have to go through suffering to mature, grow, evolve?

It doesn't make any sense! We are here in the Universe to learn and not to suffer. Maturing, growing and evolving does not require suffering. The flow of the Universe is only one, vertical, stable, progressing and never going backwards, but flowing in abundance, evolution, love, peace, light, gratitude and lightness. This is our dharma. If you are not evolving, overflowing with love, peace, light and gratitude, you are out of the flow of the Universe.

Gratitude: A New Perspective on Life

Life is like a red rose with thorns.

The difference is how you look at it. Some look at this flower and first see its beauty, its perfume, while others look at it and only see the thorns and still complain about it having thorns. But there are those who know that red roses usually have thorns, but that there is a way to deal with these thorns, that this does not invalidate the beauty and scent of the rose, and you can enjoy the flower taking care of the thorns.

That is, in the world there are three groups of people. Those who only see suffering, pain in life, who believe that everything goes from bad to worse. Those who only see a rosy world, which are only in the positive thought “God will bless me”, “the Universe will bless me”, which do not put feeling and action so that dreams come true. And the last group, the group of those who know that there are moments in life that are not pleasant, but that there are ways to deal with them, that none of this takes away the beauty of life, and that they believe that if a person wants something to happen, they go there and make it happen, because they understand the concept of “author of life itself”. Which group are you in? Reflects!

Gratitude: A New Perspective on Life

This analogy is very real, it makes a lot of sense once you get every part of it, but when I started using it I was questioned.

I've always loved red roses. When I was a kid, I loved to play all day in a bed of roses that an elderly lady, my neighbor, had in front of the house.

I remember hearing people say “life is not a bed of roses”, which intrigued me, because roses are usually prickly.

Then a while ago I had a vase of red and white roses in my bedroom window (I even posted a picture of it on my Instagram profile) and I don't remember who was messing with these flower vases, I only remember in the middle from the conversation to leave the following sentence, “Roses are so beautiful, but they have many thorns that hurt”, reminding me again to hear that life is not a bed of roses and I answering “Beautiful and with thorns, just like life”. Yes, exactly as it is in life. Beautiful, incredible, but sometimes it brings us some adversities, which we have to deal with, which doesn't take away the beauty that life has.

Gratitude: A New Perspective on Life

Each person will react and get around these obstacles in a way, each of the three groups I've mentioned here will solve it differently. The negatives, who only see suffering and pain, “break their heads”, complain about the pain and continue in the same way, racking their brains and complaining about the pain, just like the character Homer Simpson, from the TV series “The Simpsons”. The positive ones, who only see beauty, only stay in the positive thought, that one day the Universe, or the divinity they believe in, will bless them, and no, it won't if they keep still, only in the thought. positive, because there is a lack of positive action to attract positive things. Finally, the third group will stop, analyze the situation and see the possibilities of how to solve it, following the flow of the Universe.

Understand the following analogy.

Life is like a road and the Universe a GPS. The Universe gives you the direction you should follow in life, inspires you to follow the path for you to stay in the universal flow, to be who you were born to be, to evolve, to prosper. Following this path, there is no mistake, in the sense that even if there is an obstacle, you will come out of it beautifully. It is the matter of free will, if you do not follow the flow of the Universe, you will be at your own risk. But think about it, when we're driving and we decide not to follow the direction the GPS gives us, we get lost, we come across strange and even dangerous places, that is, if everything was bad, it got worse, right?

Gratitude: A New Perspective on Life

It's the same when it comes to universal flow. Just as the GPS gives a route that makes it easier to reach your destination and there are times when people decide to ignore the directions received, we have the habit of ignoring the route that the Universe gives us to reach our goals, and to live fully, even if it is unconsciously.

The moment you only complain, vibrate all day long in feelings and thoughts of scarcity, fear, hurt, anger, judgment, shame, regret, envy and attachment, you move away from the universal flow, as the Universe does not flow in these lower energies. . The Universe is love, light, peace, gratitude, happiness and abundance.

Notice the difference, right?

If you just complain, you complain about life, the world, your own country, your family, you gossip, watching other people's lives or looking for gossip news about such a famous person, judging others or yourself, with destructive thoughts, when you envy people achievements of the other to the point of not being able to rejoice in the success of others and even wanting to take what the other has, attachment to material things, to people, to moments in life (rehashing feelings)... All this forms an energetic identity, influencing the way your life will flow.

Gratitude: A New Perspective on Life

So it's no use saying that you would like to have a full, prosperous life, in which you can easily deal with adversity, that you want love for your neighbor, if you keep all that “emotional bundle” for you, because life doesn't progress, doesn't prosper. Everything I see, hear, smell, speak, my conscious mind forms an image, playing to my unconscious, depending on how I am on the Hawkins vibrational scale, being aware that the brain is just a captor, it is not what forms it. our thoughts, it just reproduces what it already has inside itself, because thought (conscious mind) + feeling (unconscious mind) + action = attraction (the Universe brings you more of this). If you think "love, peace, gratitude and prosperity", but you say you hate such a thing or person, you are very anxious, you are jealous of the other's life, you complain and judge everything and everyone, you have an aversion to prosperity or those who prosper , guess what you're going to attract into your life? More reason to hate, envy or be envied, complain, judge or be judged, scarcity and keep people around you all the time who complain, who spread hate, live anxious, with thoughts and feelings of scarcity, of aversion to abundance, who judge, then it's downhill, bottom of the well.

When I speak and all the time I “hit the key” that we must take control, the reins of our life, it is also policing ourselves as to what we see, hear, smell, think, feel, act. They are choices, it is to be the author of one's own life, creator of one's own reality.

Gratitude: A New Perspective on Life

Thoughts and feelings of love, gratitude, peace, light and prosperity generate positive actions, which attract positive things.

Elainne Ourives once said that the Universe does not speak Portuguese and that when we focus on a thought and feeling, visualizing it 24 hours a day, we send a message to the Universe, as if we were asking, wanting it for us, be it negative or positive. It's that famous saying “Do not talk or think about it, which attracts”.

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That makes a lot of sense! Analyze well. Nowadays, the habit of belittling, suffering, complaining is very common and we don't need to go that far to draw that conclusion. Have you noticed that when it comes to some tragedy, whether it's a news of an assault, murder, violence or that a famous person betrayed, separated... the discovery of a cure for some disease, that someone managed to prosper in life, some altruistic act by someone… Is the number of people interested in knowing what it is about less?

Gratitude: A New Perspective on Life

Another thing, have you noticed that most of the posts we see on social media are about creating glamor on top of a failed life? The person is at rock bottom, but it's ok for them, because everyone is... Nothing goes right in life, which is very funny, it's worth celebrating to be screwed in life, having serious illnesses like depression and anxiety, and the worse for the person to portray himself as a useless, incapable, trash person.

I would still like someone to tell me how tragedy, misfortune, psychosomatic illnesses, self-depreciation are things, good, funny or worthy of being celebrated, celebrated.

Bruno Gimenes once said that we irritate our spiritual guides, whatever they are, when we have attitudes of depreciation with ourselves, either with the body or with something of our personality, because according to Buddhism, when we incarnate on this plane, we have the mission to learn, to love ourselves, to learn to value the things we have, to love others, or whatever… and when we depreciate what we have it ends up being an ungrateful attitude…and ingratitude only makes your life go haywire.

Gratitude: A New Perspective on Life

So put it on the scale, do we really have more reasons to complain than to be grateful?

I assure you not. When we move out of this cycle of complaining and into gratitude, life begins to unlock… it is possible to find a new perspective on life.

If you can't find reasons to be grateful, start with the fact that you're alive. Life, the act of breathing, is a gift, a privilege that not everyone has, the family you have, because whether you love your family or not, despite the differences that may exist, the family is the basis. It was through her that we were born and built who we are today. Be grateful that you are yourself, as you wouldn't have learned the things you learned if you were someone else. For your body, which allows you to achieve goals, move around, even have access to the “Eu sem Fronteiras” website and these incredible articles. If you have a roof to shelter in, food to eat, these are two more reasons to be grateful. The moments in our life were also very important to bring us here, whether negative or positive. Yup. The positive moments are pleasant memories that we take through life to test our gratitude, the negative moments are for our learning, our life was shaken a little so that we can return to the axis of the Universe.

Gratitude: A New Perspective on Life

I'm not talking about lying to yourself, deluding yourself, calm down, that's not what I'm talking about, but about doing a mental reprogramming, an intimate reform so that you can focus on the things that are working to bring to your life more of that.

Yeah, I know it's much easier to complain, judge, point out what's going wrong in life, see flaws in everything, I used to be like that.

I used to spend a lot of my time on social media, reading and watching all the news from newspapers, even famous gossip, I complained about injustices, the rulers of the country, people, I judged myself and others , when points in my life didn't flow the way I wanted, I was bewildered, very angry. How could I not have everything under control? I was always the person who, even when I had problems, I would go there, “turn around at 30” and solve it, after all, if I had a problem, I saw the possibilities of solution, then it was solved and what I couldn’t solve, I felt like I had failed, I felt very frustrated. When someone asked me for help to solve a problem and I couldn't help, that was when the feeling of failure increased, because the person counted on me to provide a solution, there was this pressure, imposed by myself for me to incorporate the heroin, the savior, the guide, and if I failed it was because I wasn't as amazing as I thought I was, for me it was a testament to incompetence. And so my life had gone awry, I only attracted bad things and people and when good things and people appeared, I sabotaged myself for having a feeling of undeserving. Because I had in my subconscious to “live a life in a day”, everything very accelerated, the urge to have experiences in life, the lack of filter, absorbing everything like a sponge, to the point that I ended up in a very unpleasant situation. that got out of control.

Gratitude: A New Perspective on Life

It took me a while to understand the message, the learning behind it, even more when I found myself in causal amnesia, as I had said in my previous article on self-love and when I realized where I had gotten myself this unpleasant situation had already been. turned into a big snowball, which swallowed me.

It was at that moment, when I was being carried away by this snowball, that I understood why I got into this situation, because that was when the thought came to me “no, that's enough!” like a snap, like the Universe is telling me "Grant!".

Honestly, it was just like I woke up, came out of an anesthesia after years, it was a “Cry of Freedom”.

I decided to look for my essence that I had lost, that part of me that was practically gone. I took courses, personal development workshops, coaching, quantum physics, I read about these subjects, I started to move towards a more spiritual side, meditating, listening to mantras, reading sutras, diving into Buddhism, which I was curious about since I was a child, because of my fascination by India and Indian cultures.

Gratitude: A New Perspective on Life

I became aware that my life, that my reality is in my hands, in the sense that I am the author of my life, I have control over MY actions and not those of others, I don't have to control everything. I'm not a hero, the savior, the guide, and that's okay, it doesn't affect who I am, it doesn't take away from my competence. Life has to be lighter, I'm not perfect and nobody has to be perfect. We are human beings who make mistakes, who get it right, who have strengths and weaknesses (ACCEPTANCE).

I slowed down a little, started to take things more slowly, putting the brakes on that intense teenager a little. It's nice to look for experiences on the outside, it gives a momentary pleasure, joy, but we can't forget that full pleasure and happiness start inside us, there has to be a balance.

Today I try to judge less, in the sense that I lost interest in hearing about people's gossip, especially famous people (who broke up, who cheated on…).

Gratitude: A New Perspective on Life

I exchanged the hours I spent on social media, watching tragedy on TV, reading gossip about celebrities to dedicate myself to my studies, to my work as a writer, reading, meditating, practicing physical activity, returning to my hobbies, like dancing, singing, drawing, taking more care of me in general, because we have to take it easy on ourselves, don't we? So I restricted the use of social networks for my work, to publicize, to interact with my readers and colleagues in the artistic environment. When I read or watch some news in the newspaper, I select better, I choose better what I consume content on the internet, who I keep in my social cycle, because we have to have by our side what adds us, what makes us feel good, although from time to time I do look for entertainment content, we have to give our mind a break and laugh a little. Not everything needs to be so serious, heavy.

The most important thing that was like a definitive unlock in my life was the practice of gratitude.

Many people when they wake up already complain about having to get out of bed. If we started being grateful for the night's sleep, for enjoying another day... I start the day by mentally listing ten reasons I'm grateful... and if something happens to me that I don't think is good I use a mantra that has been with me since my childhood. childhood: “I'll get out of this, everything will get better”.

Gratitude: A New Perspective on Life

Every time you say thanks, it's like you're asking the Universe to return you, just like complaining. Patrícia Cândido used to say, complaining is crying out more than once to the Universe, you focus and vibrate on negative things, bringing more of that, so police yourself. More gratitude and less complaining.

Practice gratitude a little every day. This reprogramming of the mind is procedural, without a magic formula, the change starts from within. The result will depend on the person. You can't turn on the gratitude key overnight, I speak from experience, I just told you how my change process was, which was long, it wasn't easy, but when I started I had made the decision to put into practice in my life.

Thank you for reading this article! Namaste!

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