fluidity not love

Fluidity of love.

When someone dies inside of us, everything ends.

Physical death undoes, consumes the body until it turns to dust, and that dust spreads.

As long as we are physically alive, all of our ancestry literally lives within us.

Dad, Mom, and everyone who preceded us, make themselves present in some way.

They are pieces scattered in our hearts, in our soul.

The moments that were lived, good and not so good, are the lessons for today, for now.

The moments that were not lived were not meant to be.

fluidity not love

Thus, they are the celebrations of the achievements we once had together with the important people in our lives.

In the same way, it is the reconciliations of forgiveness that had a reason for it to be this way.

Reconciling while we live is a way of expressing love.

After someone important dies, and leaves this life, conciliation when made of the soul, expresses love, and from there comes redemption.

In this life we ​​always want the best for those who are somehow important to us.

Sure, whoever dies leaves the best gifts for us.

Gifts have many names, as do learnings.

In silence, we feel the pure feeling of love.

In silence, it brings peace to being.

All the pain that hurts, a pain so deeply sharp that it seems to cut through the soul, no longer belongs to us.

fluidity not love

When that pain comes from someone we love, the understanding is that we have failed.

Wanting forgiveness is wanting approval to follow, that's all.

We don't change what was done.

We change what can be.

What can be, is the energy we have inside us.

The change starts there.

A woman married several times, and someone asked the Master: Who will she stay with in paradise? The answer was: With no one. All will be like angels.

On this plane, in this life, the systems, rules, and principles imposed, and which are flawed, try to condition us to a perfection that here does not exist, nor is it real.

Hypocrisy is asserting and judging the behavior of another being.

True is seeing the other being as yourself.

What we see in the other being, we see in ourselves.

What we see in people who have departed, died, we see in ourselves.

We see the best of us.

We see what we can improve.

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While in life, we can be true with our feelings, with ourselves and with the other being, that is to evolve.

Nobody belongs to anyone but himself.

And all belong to the ALL.

And we are all One.

The best way to respect those who left, who stopped living, who died, who became light and energy, is to live.

Living for the sake of living no, this is not what a being of light wants for us.

Making our life meaningful, making it worth moving on, yes.

What greater respect do we have for ourselves than to feel good in this life?

Respect your life.

Respect death in this life.

fluidity not love

Suicide does not start at death.

Suicide begins while alive.

People commit subtle, muffled suicides every day when, for some reason, they stop giving meaning to life.

I believe in this: if the shadows arise, and want to consume you, just turn on the light.

The light of love dispels the darkness.

Allow to love, and you will receive love.

Love a lot!

Be loved!

With gratitude we reconcile with all people who are gone, who died through love, and through love the certainty of forgiveness.

Without love there is no forgiveness.

With love I ask your forgiveness.

I gratefully accept your forgiveness.

fluidity not love

And for the permission to be able to live, I will give meaning to life with gratitude, for all the love that exists within me.

Gratitude to those who are gone, because they are important to me.

Gratitude to those who are, because they are important to me.

In energy we are all one.

In friendship we are all energy.

And the beginning of everything is in friendship.

We are friends and we are one.

I love you!

Gratitude! I love Amituofo! Namaste!

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