Email, paper, future

    We often say that the future belongs to God. This statement is still real, because above all is the Creator and what happens is because He allows it. In our belief the denomination is that "God is the supreme intelligence, first cause of all things".

    We do not know what will happen in the future, even though every day we plan for our wishes to come true, and there is certainly a relationship between now and then, as it is also true that there is the ability to communicate with the future!

    Clairvoyant mediums can enter the future and become aware of facts that will happen. This can be in relation to themselves or related to people who seek clarification, although the spirits tell us that we depend on God's permission for the future to be revealed to us, and this is not common, since at the moment we are born we forget everything that happened in past lives, and many times being revealed to us something from the future that may be related to other lives can be harmful to us in rescues or tests.

    We say that we can communicate with the future, because, for example, when we write a letter, and it remains hidden for some period, it can influence events that will happen! So too is an idealized will, which, after the passing of the person who edited it, comes to knowledge, thus interfering in the lives of people who are related to the inheritance. Also by sending an email we are stepping into the future.

    Email, paper, future
    Fรกbio Lucas / Unsplash

    Everything that we do now or do both good and bad, therefore, will somehow have an impact on the future, and because we are eternal, we will also be part of the event.

    We accumulate goods, riches, and at a given moment in life we โ€‹โ€‹stop reaching out to someone who seeks us. This will certainly generate ransom. Well, then, the one who accumulated goods and did not provide assistance to those who needed it dies, and in another life it may happen that the one who was not helped is born in the same family nucleus and together they will have to rescue the situation experienced in the past life.

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    Fortunately, the law of action and reaction exists and is enforced at all times, and this is witnessed by all of us in difficult situations, both financial and physical, that permeate the Earth.

    It is important that we share what we have with those who need it. This is from Divine Law.

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